Reviews for Blood Blossoms Are Red
PhantomOfProcrastination chapter 5 . 6/8/2018
in so worried for Danny! please update soon?
Up-In-the-Clouds1285 chapter 5 . 12/24/2017
Next chapter soon?
Roxy Emeralds chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
I just realised you haven't updated in forever so I hope you start it again soon because you left it on such a cliff hanger
Roxy Emeralds chapter 5 . 4/22/2017
Holy Satan, this fic is amazing. I can't wait to see how Sam, Tuck and Jazz are. And how Danny's parents are coping.
Nevalone chapter 5 . 7/8/2016
Please update! This fanfic getting good!
dangerousphantomwaffles chapter 5 . 3/26/2016
Please update! This is so interesting!
neeniya chapter 5 . 2/16/2016
Nice little start to a fic you got going here.
Here's to hoping that one day you may finish it!
cosette141 chapter 5 . 10/16/2015
NOOOOOO YOU NEEED TO UPDATE IGHT NOW O CANT EVEN SPELL RUGHT NOW dude this was sooo good your characters are spot on the story is suspenseful I LOVE your bad guy your dialogue is fantastic and natural and my GOD you're so freakin hysterical WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE THIS CLIFHANGER WHYYYYYYYYYYYY anyway it was really good :D
7536897647356356 chapter 3 . 12/29/2014
Ahhhh! Who is he? Why does he know Danny! AH! I'm freaking out right now!
Okay. Calm down. Just go to the next chapter,
7536897647356356 chapter 2 . 12/29/2014
Oh cool! This is really awesome, the thought of Danny, without his powers, kidnapped by some drug dealers. Real epic.
I'm wondering about the next chapter... And what does this have to do with blood blossoms?
zeitgeist21st chapter 5 . 9/22/2013
It's certainly not a Danny Phantom fic without the Examination Table of Doom.

There's a bit of black humor irony here when you think of all the people that have been trying to experiment on him, the one person who does is someone we don't even know with more nefarious intentions. It's even more interesting how this guy knows enough about ghosts despite the public only being aware of them for a few months. And then he only knows about Phantom when Plasmius has been around for a lot longer (although, this just opens up a plethora of questions of why everyone focuses on Phantom when there's another half-ghost).

I would toss in another theory, but I think more than one would be gnattish.

Keep up the good work, but no need to rush.
zeitgeist21st chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
I'm just going to stop here and take a wild guess.
The drugs they are selling are made from blood blossoms as some kind of ghost repellant/opium thing. And because of it's key ingredient, possibly with a mixture of some other nasty things, exposure to it has inhibited his powers for the time being.
Sorry if I mess anything up with this guess, I just wanted to toss this in there before I read any further.

All that said, I like this story. You write it well (save for a few grammar things here and there but who doesn't get those).
Guest chapter 5 . 8/29/2013
Don't you dare leave me hanging!
MsFrizzle chapter 5 . 8/28/2013
You do a masterful job on the evil villain. *Shudder*. I really enjoy your writing style and the way you phrase things.
SunnyDay23 chapter 5 . 8/27/2013
The chapter was really good! We learned more about The Cougar's intentions, but I wonder what he's going to do to Danny... I hope you'll update soon :D
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