Reviews for Theft
BigBenEco chapter 32 . 10/20/2018
Glad to have read, but I understand it being hard to finish a piece, especially given the circumstances for our hero's but I think you have left enough seeds for us to have hope. Thanks for making this wonderful piece!
BigBenEco chapter 30 . 10/20/2018
Certainly spending a lot of time writing about Aelita, and really filling in the details, not just here, but even in your first few chapters, I noticed you took the time to not skimp on the details. It's great to read something of this quality! It's like it is the show itself!
BigBenEco chapter 24 . 10/20/2018
While I like that the story goes on, there are two issues with the last chapter, if the guy indeed was watching her in the past, and indeed came back, why would he need to talk to Jeremy, and second, return to the past? is that not a solution? It didn't seem like last time they needed to have Aelita to do that. but this is just me being frustrated that poor Aelita is in trouble again, great stuff!
BigBenEco chapter 23 . 10/20/2018
This and the previous chapter, a great combo of highs and low, this story continues to be a joy to read!
BigBenEco chapter 19 . 10/20/2018
Ok, great. I had a bit of an issue with Aelita being in constant pain, but I figured it was for the sake of the story, so it is great to hear there is actually a reason behind this, makes me respect this story so much more!
BigBenEco chapter 18 . 10/20/2018
Not sure how I feel about Xana, but overall I think this and the last chapter may have been my favorite chapters, definitely love the cliffhanger into the next chapter! Thanks for writing this!
XANA 3.0 chapter 32 . 4/16/2018
This is as lovely as ever. I'm sad to see you didn't finish it. Are you looking for someone to finish this for you? I actually shared some of the same headcanons. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I'm sure I could end it in a way that would please you.
Guest chapter 32 . 3/10/2018
This is actually pretty well written, it's a shame that you didn't finish it, but understandable. I would definitely love to see an ending to it though...
Eepee chapter 32 . 8/1/2016
Damn, its over. It was a fantastic read, had me nearly in tears a couple times.
Guest chapter 32 . 1/30/2016
End it just like wtf dude wtf
Red Productions chapter 9 . 9/7/2015
I know that you've moved on to other projects by now, but I just want to say that these lines:

"Never in my short life have I seen the color drain from someone's face so quickly. Never have I seen someone go from neutral to absolute devastation within a millisecond."

Is probably one of the most powefully sad and horrifying lines I've ever seen used in a story. All of your writing is fantastic, but that line in particular just affected me like hell. Holy shit man, you're really talented.
ANGELSOULSPIRIT chapter 32 . 3/10/2015
thank of idea's for your fanfic like i did i have alot of wrightr's block but if you thank of idea's you can get your story's going agen
DoritO121 chapter 32 . 7/2/2014
Can't believe this will go unfinished :(
I heart Lyoko chapter 32 . 6/23/2014
HOW COULD YOU END IT HERE?! There's still so much you can do! I'm STILL worried about what'll happen to Aelita! Will they save her? You could at least put an ending on the story!
WHAT THE FUCK chapter 32 . 12/2/2013
What the fuck, I was getting really into this story! This was so well written and you end it there?! That is not okay! What the fuck?!
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