Reviews for Want and Need
Takedo chapter 16 . 7/14
Fuck this was so good. I really wish you continued this.
distorted light chapter 6 . 6/2
You said he had caliburn which in the fate verse is different from Excalibur
Isaac LB chapter 7 . 5/21
You are an evil and anticlimactic being.
You intrigue me and then you force me to look for more of your work.
Isaac LB chapter 5 . 5/21
What a nice mood.
It's refreshing not to have constant tension on your shoulders.
Isaac LB chapter 4 . 5/21
Everything seemed credible. Although the part in which EMIYA proclaims himself King took me off balance.
Although how many more Servants do I know the Class system is no longer adequate.
Isaac LB chapter 1 . 5/21
We always knew that the Grail is sensitive but apart from some jokes it was never really delved into the subject.
EnvaEve168 chapter 6 . 5/14
I'm really, really, really liking it. The differences between your take of Enkidu (as well as some of Arthur) and of the canon Enkidu is quite irksome to read at times, but I definitely can't blame you considering that this was before he was properly expanded upon in the series.
Aranis chapter 2 . 5/9
So the Sajyou’s got Baber, Waver got Enkidu (somehow) Kirei got one of the Hassans (pretty sure he got Cursed Arm), and the Caster and Master pair’s the same
Aranis chapter 1 . 5/9
Okay, going by my various readings of the F/GO character pages, I’d say waver summoned D’Eon, Kariya got Kintoki, and Kiritsugu got his Archer son
Tin chapter 16 . 5/2
Please continue...
JustANormalGuyyyyyyy chapter 16 . 4/29
I hope you continue the story it is written rather well.
ChiDead chapter 16 . 4/21
Only wish there is more. :(
Roman1987 chapter 15 . 3/28
*Fuck* these chapters have murdered and revived me so many times from the feels alone, God this is amazing.
Saalejandra chapter 16 . 3/21
Mis felicitaciones al creador (a) de esta maravillosa historia, es muy interesante ver cómo se profundiza en personajes como Kariya e incluso que se tocara a Shinji en los últimos capitulo me encanto, es muy reconfortante ver que alguien los utiliza. Así como mostrar la rivalidad maestro-aprendiz, que me falto en la serie original y me ayudaste a llenar el vacío que me dejo.

Ahora solo me falta decir, viene buscando cobre y encontré oro... Espero que algún día pueda depurarlo y terminar de vender este metal precioso.

Es decir, deseo que se le dé un final digno a esta increíble historia y seguiremos esperando por el.
Whiterin chapter 16 . 3/4
Really great story! Hope to see more someday.
Always love to see Archer interacted with Iri :)
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