Reviews for A Lullaby
DaBlahgz chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
I gotta say, bud, I really liked this one. I've read (or had read to me :P) precious little Narnia fanfiction, but this one really got to me. One might say "Ye got a way with words, child. Write them and let them live in the imaginations of others." I'm not really sure who, but SOMEONE, I'm sure. Likely someone Scottish. I like their accent.

Anyway, I really like how, though it was intended to be Lucian, it ended up building on Lucy and Peter's relationship. I never put much thought into the readjusting period for them until I heard this one, but by golly, you done good. I love this one! :D
Totallynewmerlinfan2013 chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
Aw this is too cute! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
This is very well done. That is one of the things that may have happened and you made it seem real. I love the relationship between Peter and Lucy in this one. I hope that you keep writing, because your work really is brilliant.
Starbrow chapter 1 . 9/26/2012
Aww I love opportunities for Lucy and Peter to bond! This was really sweet and I also loved showing Lucy through Edmund's eyes at the beginning, and his perception of her drawing away. I was a little taken aback at her saying he knew NOTHING of loss and in such a venomous tone (because I see Lucy as someone who could get angry but would never be venomous or spiteful), but I can understand what would lead to her feeling that way.

I totally agree that Lucy would have lots of trouble letting go of her Narnian personhood to go back to just being a regular little girl in England. I liked the way you had Peter help her deal with reconciling the two aspects of her life, how he understand the struggle and has come through it and wants to help her do the same. That was just lovely.

I'd love to see any explicitly Lucians you may have the urge to cook up ;-). Even though there wasn't much here, you could definitely picture it fitting in!
kag20 chapter 1 . 9/26/2012
This was such a sweet one-shot. I think you did a good job with keeping the characters in character. I love reading stories where Peter is acting all brotherly and sweet with his younger siblings. I especially adore his relationship with Lucy. I think you did a brilliant job showing that through your description and dialogue.

I hope you continue writing for this fandom. I would be interesting in reading a one-shot or multi -chapter Lucian series if you decided to write one in the future. Again, awesome job.