Reviews for Shrapnel
brendafay chapter 1 . 12/3/2017
love it
earthdragon chapter 1 . 11/8/2017
Good story, although Gibbs is a bit over-confident that Tim will be ok (even if we know he was). That glass shard wasn't just shrapnel, it was huge and there was no knowing how deep it was. There was potential for serious internal injuries both from the glass and from the blast itself. Yet Tim was shown back at work in the following episode, leaving us with the impression that all he needed was a sticking plaster - or perhaps that was him being brave and down-playing his injury.

I know that in an episode that only lasts an hour, the action can't be too detailed, but there is one very important thing the writers should have included. In a real life emergency evacuation - whether for fire or a bomb, you don't stop to download files onto a memory stick (although it was heroic, given that Tim didn't know if he would survive), nor do you waste time packing a bag, switching off equipment, or putting on a coat. You leave IMMEDIATELY, as soon as the alarm is given - whether verbally or a siren. Only if your coat/bag are immediately to hand so that you can quickly grab them on the way out do you take them with you. And you only leave via the stairs to the nearest safe exit (which aren't necessarily fire stairs); NEVER via an elevator/lift.
starfire25 chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
good story telling of missing scenes in that episode.
jmsings chapter 1 . 9/29/2012
Thanks for recognizing the need for a little more to this scene. Tim was not only a bit out of it when Gibbs found him, but he was the only one with a significant injury...and I find it hard to believe that the blast wave that knocked him off his feet didn't have some repercussions, but they only had 43 minutes or so to cram everything into the episode. I like your extended scene - thanks so much for writing it!
DouglasIsCool chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
Dude, I wish that this was in the episode, it's so good! I totally agree with you, McGee didn't have enough screen time. :(
crocadile1986 chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
love it!
very special agent buffy chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
Great :)
AliinaSuomi chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
good start. please update soon.
Gottahavemyncis chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Nicely done, looking forward to more.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Very nice. I was also dissappointed they didn't show more with McGee. By the look on his face I expected him to pass out. I sure would if there was a piece of glass protruding from my side!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Great fill in- I was so disappointed Abby and McGee didn't have a moment or at least give McGee a fatherly moment with Gibbs. What's the point of showing him injured if its not going to be mentioned or shown again?
bluenettle1 chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
I loved this scene in the episode but would have loved it even more if it had ended like this! :-)
McGeeklover chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
keep writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
I felt robbed by the lack of McGee, too.
cflat chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Great missing scene! Yeah, it would've been nice if they'd done a little more with that. Perhaps it would've been better if they'd done two hours. Still, it was a great episode and opener.