Reviews for The Phantom Returns
ClearingSky chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
I'm supposed to be studying for my exam, but I can only handle so much "low-pressure tank cars are cylindrical with rounded ends" for so long. So I am dissing studying so I can do something *infinitely* more important and satisfying - catching up on your stories! I am ashamed to realize that somehow I missed finishing your Coping Trilogy so HazMat is taking a back seat tonight! [Too bad!]

Really loved so many aspects to this 'chapter' of the tale. The deer rescue was so touching but Chet's getting sucked into the mud had me holding my breath. That scene was so vivid my lungs were hurting. The letter from Missy's mom's friend sent tears to my eyes and the whole deal with the signs on the hose tower had me rolling on the floor - that was so FIREHOUSE! LOL. The one-liners and little jabs and moments between the guys were just exquisite. LOVED the straw noise with Johnny and Roy. Brilliant. I especially loved Johnny's "Like this?" to Roy. I loved it 'cause I say the same thing. LOL!

But of course the meat was the emotional aftermath of Chet and Johnny and Marco after that horrible tragedy. My heart broke with Chet sleeping on the couch. They're healing and trying to heal and trying to live with this thing weighing in their hearts and I love the different moments between all of them as their healing journeys either collide or complement each other.

Beautifully done.

I look forward to reading about Marco (although it's going to take extreme self-control to go from this story to "Pressure tank cars carrying hazardous materials haul cargo at 25 psi or greater..." *sigh*)
Ryn chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Loved this! Thoroughly enjoying your skill as a writer taking us thru the team's journey of coping of what was a heartbreaking experience. Every member has been given depth and dimension.
CMCity chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
One of the best stories I've read, ever. It makes me feel like I'm in a real fire station, watching real people deal with daily situations at their job. I'm looking forward to reading the third installment.
It's so nice, too, that all the chapters are included in one post. And the way you deliver the "punch line" of each scene is also vey cleverly done.
I'm very impressed, overall.
Washingtonmyhome chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
I love the signs that the guys were suggesting for the hose tower. They made me laugh out loud.
cainse chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
THE best story I've read in a long time. I am in awe.

Bamboozlepig chapter 1 . 10/2/2012
Excellent story, I love the camaraderie between the crew, it seems so right on the money. You have the right amounts of humor infused with the drama and the pacing is perfect. Can't wait for Marco's turn!
The Delirium Threemen chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
Great job, wonderful characterizations. I LOVED you didn't turn Chet into an oalf, but instead delved with his feelings and motivations, and you did great with that. You handled the emotional transitions very well especially the area dealing with the letter from Missy's parents and the after effect on the crew.

Looking forward to what you have in story for Marco

A Lee En chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
Characters were great, as was the story. Wonderful job!
Thanks for sharing it!
Enfleurage chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
I won't claim objectivity because I already told you that I love this story, in particular the top-notch characterization of the crew we all love, and the strong undercurrents of genuine affection and humor that are hallmarks of a true team. The structure of the story is also good, with a nice balance between their runs and their time at the station, moving all of them, particularly Gage, towards healing and acceptance at a gradual, unforced and wholly believable pace. You've got a insightful grasp of these characters and I really look forward to whatever you write next.
Rose Po chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
Excellent. Good descriptive work. Very nice slice of life touches. Superb Stanley material.

I liked the fort scene. One summer when I was a child, I had a fort in the cattails in slough below my grandparents place. The discussion of defensibility rings so true; I remember similar conversations, LOL.

So, whens my next fix coming?
Jrsgirl chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
This was great! I loved the interaction between the characters. "Hold still Chet, you're getting blood on my muck." Priceless! I also loved how everyone was looking out for each other. Can't wait to read more.
Perfect Madness chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
I love, love, love this! I smiled, laughed and teared up through it and could picture every detail. Thank you!
sandybeliever chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
OH my gosh, this was fantastic. The letter about the little girl had me crying but your interaction of the boys was so wonderful. I was giggling at the slurping incident and can picture Johnny doing just that. Thank you!
SaraiEsq chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
This was amazing. I mean, AMAZING.

From the spider plants to the flip book, from 'is that a picture of one of the firemen's little girls' to a certain pike-pole-carrying trapeze artist. This was awesome.

Where's my thesaurus? I need to find more synonyms for 'excellent' before the next installment, to which I look forward with great anticipation.
KarenHope chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
Great ballance between angst and humor. A little bit of a tear jearker there, but tastefully so. All in all I loved it... hope to read more from you soon.