Reviews for Ashes of Victory
inkie pinkie chapter 33 . 12/1/2005
Hey. Are you gonna update? I like this story, and I'd like to know what happens next.
Dai-onna chapter 33 . 12/30/2004
Oh geez... *sniffles and bawls* I read this the first time when I noticed your name on the list of people who have me as a favorite author. It was well over a year ago, I'm sure. I think you were at about chapter 29 at the point. Hard to be certain. But anyway, this is without a doubt my favorite HP fanfic of all time, and I can never forget it. I never read fanfics on anymore, but I was going through an HP kick and of course I thought of this and HAD to read it again. Much to my disappointment, it hasn't been updated in ages (Almost 2 years!) I have to say this is the most gorgeous fanfic I've read and I would be thrilled if you'd consider writing some more to it one of these days. This story had me tearing up from chapter on and I just love your characterization. From the insecure, scarred Harry, to the understanding Snape, and even to Neville growing a backbone! It's all so wonderful to see the characters progress and grow. You're undoubtably one of my top 3 favorite HP authors.

*clears throat* Well, now that I've finished gushing... lol, anyways, hope to see more of this someday!
Luthien Potter chapter 33 . 8/1/2004
Hey, this is great! I just found the story, and ead all 33 chapers at one go when I really should be getting into bed. . .I would love to see you put out another chapter - I see it's been a year since you updated, thouh, and am unsure whether that'll actually happen. In any case, as I said first: This is great!
Heather Christi chapter 33 . 10/14/2003
I'm loving this story. Took me forever to read this but I enjoyed reading it and I am hoping for more to read soon. Been months since you updated and I hope this story is not over or "taking a break". If so, this is a long ass break! (_) Draco seems to be walking on nails around Harry and that worries me a bit. Although, Harry is warming up to him and it is so cute! They make such an adorable pairing. Don't ya think? Please email me or something and get back to me with the details about this story. Hope to see some progress soon! Love your writing!
NekoHitori chapter 33 . 6/29/2003
*raises eyebrow* may 24th? did you mean this year or the next? lol. ignore me.

hitori: all right, we will.

*glare* like i was about to say, even though you didn't reach your deadline, well, summer vacation baby! plenty of free time to write! i mean, i'm sure you'll be able to find at least a few minutes of you time over the weeks, and such. so *brandishes fist* work on it.
Meana chapter 33 . 5/26/2003
I am truly enjoying this story, and I hope to see more of it soon. Keep up the great work.
Backisback chapter 33 . 4/22/2003
please continue.
Backisback chapter 10 . 4/22/2003
this is an okay story so far.
Ezekiel Klitiras chapter 33 . 4/7/2003
cute fic...
LorneStar chapter 33 . 1/21/2003
hmmm...reading your fic just gave me a great idea for mine! i'm gonnns get sev to give harry a bandanna collection to tie around his head as a belated b-day present..and...then...(more muttering can be heard)

just for the record, i love your fic! and that's normally a comment i save for hp/ss fics and definetly NOT hp/dm fics! but yours, yours is good. oh, and while yes, i hate the fact siri is dead, bringing in reme fixed that aspect right up for me! (the whole cameo apperance didn't hurt _~) well, e-mail me if you ever want to talk. the addy is in my profile! (:P)

update soon!
sparkysparky chapter 33 . 1/20/2003
great chapter. this is a really great story. i think i have cried in almost every chapter, lol. please update as soon as you can!

Liliku chapter 33 . 1/20/2003
Yay he is getting much much better! *gives Harry a thumbs up* Good story. I am curious as to what will happen now.
mazet chapter 1 . 1/19/2003
luv it, write more soon!
sparkysparky chapter 17 . 1/19/2003
make me cry why don't you. i can't wait to read the rest of your chapters, but i have to take a break for a little while. :)

melloth89 chapter 6 . 1/19/2003
this is a very very good story... i'm on the verge of tears. i have always hated prejidice but have never done anything about the social bias that others force apon thoses who are diffrent, this is making me rethink that.

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