Reviews for Closer Still
ashura789eon chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
Aww this is AWESOME! Will you keep writing this storyplease please pleaseI've read Hands on education and it's a great story! Looking forward for your stories!
SallyPejr chapter 10 . 8/18/2014
Do you know what is 'book hangover'? It's when you finished book but your brain can't leave story and only thing what you can do is think about it, mourning or grinning or whatever. So thank you very much. After reading first part of this I can't sleep 'cause I can think just at John and Sherlock and that they are supposed be together and how can you bring them together. It was relieve read this part. Be better if I stop with nonsense. This is my opinion. This story. I like it. Another!
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 10 . 10/25/2013
This makes me incredibly happy. Bravo. Well done. And thank you for a wonderful few days.
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 8 . 10/25/2013
I don’t agree with what he did with his wedding ring. And disposing of it does not make him any less married. He needs to get a divorce. And staying at Sherlock’s flat? The one Mycroft owns? Yeah. Let’s see how that goes.
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 7 . 10/25/2013
Well this is going to come as quite a shock to Sarah. And Mycroft should have known better.
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 5 . 10/25/2013
Well. That was certainly an answer.
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 3 . 10/25/2013
Soooo, you ran their father over with a train. Not what I had in mind. Making him pay for his crimes, yes. Killing him off, spectacularly violently at that, not quite. What lesson was to be learned in that? It'll possibly just result in guilt on someone's part.

My my. Fired. So one less tie.

Coming back? For his funeral? For some reason, I doubt Sherlock will. Mycroft, maybe, but not likely.
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 2 . 10/25/2013
Lol. You're right. John is probably the least sympathetic protagonist is all of slash history. But he is bloody realistic. So is Sherlock. So major kudos for that. And don't you just hate those perfectly good or bad characters? People so often forget to make them human.

So mad he used the name Greg. Lestrade would kill him. xD! Not to mention stealing the whole cover.

So much for no more cheating. I suggest a divorce. Again.

Oh John. ;[ (I'd say you're doing a decent job redeeming him. I'm pitying him heaps right now.)

I'm feeling dead inside reading this chapter. And Sarah is a fool and my sympathy and respect for her have diminished. She KNOWS John doesn’t want or love her anymore. She needs to stop living the lie. Cut her ties and move on.
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
Boredom is now worse than addiction withdrawal. xD! I'm so glad the drugs don't appear to be a big part of this story. Glad I chanced it.

I'm begging for Sherlock to start dating Sam. That would make me happy.

Aww. Why would you do that to me? x.X
BurningUpASun2013 chapter 10 . 10/17/2013
What a compelling story. I LOVED the plot and the characters. Thank you for both of these stories
Guest chapter 7 . 9/21/2013
remember too rather than to
Raxicoricofallapatorious chapter 10 . 7/18/2013
TTTT FINALLY A HAPPY ENDING THAT I'M HAPPY WITH! Thank you so much for writing these amazing 36 chapters. :) I enjoyed every minute of it, even the chapters that I had to struggle to see through tears. GO JOHN! RIGHT ON YA MATE! OH! Oh. Yeah. It was awesome. Can't thank you enough. :D


PS - Don't ever stop writing. It would be a travesty.
TheMadKatter13 chapter 10 . 6/19/2013
Ok. I'm glad I read the sequel. I just had to find out how it all ended and whipe it wasn't exactly as I had thought it might, it was cute and enjoyable.
Gwerinos chapter 10 . 4/18/2013
Excellent! I look forward to many more great stories from you.
Gwerinos chapter 8 . 4/18/2013
POPPY! Where's Poppy? John can't leave her behind.
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