Reviews for The Marriage Law
nemo no one chapter 5 . 6/30/2014
holy mother of God! ! You are a fucking genius! Xoxo I love your work sooooooooooooo much!
XmariskaX chapter 39 . 5/7/2014
Great story!
l'amour perdu chapter 39 . 1/22/2013
Very nice epilogue it was a great story, brought me to tears A couple times

Keep it up
l'amour perdu chapter 38 . 1/22/2013
Still reading, music on my phone and I payed attention to the album hat was playing it was very fitting (heroine diaries soundtrack by sixx am

Great story!
l'amour perdu chapter 27 . 1/22/2013
I am reading this story on my phone at work on my breaks and you had me in tears with the last few chapters, I am really loving this story, seeing a different kind of sorry about coping... Very well done I love it
MaryInRavenclaw chapter 39 . 11/24/2012
Oh my God, this is some of the best fanfiction that I've ever read. I write my own fanfiction, I just don't post it online. This is amazing. I love how you've made Hermione feel like a realistic character. I feel like I was right there the entire time. This is an amazing piece of literature. You could become a huge writer in the future and I would definitely buy any of your work if I knew it was coming from you.
MochaButr chapter 39 . 11/26/2012
such a beautiful story
Unwritten Whispers chapter 39 . 11/25/2012
I'm a hardcore Dramione shipper, but I tend to admire Blamione as well... so I'm glad that she was with him, but once I read Hermione chose Blaise, I was praying that Draco didn't suddenly find love with Astoria. I've literally dropped storied only 3 paragraphs before the end of a 47 chaptered story just because Draco suddenly met Astoria in the end, and they got married. There's nothing I hate more than Draco with Astoria (aside from Draco/Ginny) - they make me puke!

Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble. I loved this story. I'm the kind of reader who hates it when Hermione smokes/drinks/or has a lot of sex to hide her true emotions, I hate it when people call her 'Mi' or 'Mia' and I can't stand stories that have too many twists (although all the stories I write has them - I'm a hypocrite)! But for some reason I kept reading through yours, although within the first chapter I saw signs of everything I hate in ANY story... and I'm glad I did! I loved this story. I sort of felt a connection to this version of Hermione, and her thoughts. I admired the connection she had with Draco (even though they sort of felt a bond because of their toxic similarities) and I like how she didn't end up with Draco in the end, as was expected of her.

The thing I loved the most though was how Draco's wife died, so he's still single(: it may be morbid of me to like that, but I only like Draco with Hermione... sometimes Luna, depending on the story... I tend to write him with an OC, but like I said I'm a hypocrite. haha.

I hope I didn't offend you at all with this review, or my earlier one stating how much I cried from that one chapter alone. I cried throughout most of this story, and I loved through some as well. And by crying, I mean: my eyes are STILL puffy and blurry, I've got a stuffy nose, my niece askd me if I was looking at pictures of my aunty again, and my oldest nephew told me stop making noises because he's trying to watch tv... so congratulations, you've turned me into a crybaby!

All in all - great story!(:
Amaya2278 chapter 38 . 11/25/2012
A beautiful last chapter. A good resolution between Hermione and Draco. I know what it's like to have residual feelings for someone, but putting them aside because it is for the best and moving on to be happy with someone else and happy for the person you once loved. You captured that feeling very well and this chapter brought tears to my eyes. I shall now go read the epilogue :)
Unwritten Whispers chapter 26 . 11/25/2012
Oh Merling my tears! My nieces and nephews are all staring at me as if I just lost my mind. Yesterday was my aunty's funeral, and I'm crying more now than I did yesterday...
Amaya2278 chapter 37 . 11/25/2012
That was a very emotional chapter. It's true we don't really know what happened during Hermione's torture so it's open to interpretation. Your interpretation flows nicely with the story line, horrible as it is. I'm glad Draco made up with Hermione and Blaise. What book did she give Draco? Last chapter? D: Although true, the story is wrapping up. Well... off I go to read it!
Amaya2278 chapter 36 . 11/25/2012
Oh... that's interesting... How will this go? Oh, and the smut wasn't bad :) I'm not leaving a very intelligent review cause I wanna know what happens next! Off to the next chappie! Oh, and I'm happy about the marriage law being amended!
Amaya2278 chapter 35 . 11/25/2012
Aw! So cute! I feel bad about Draco, but he needs to get better on his own like Hermione did. Sorry I was gone for so long in terms of reviews! D: Had a little chaos of my own I needed to deal with. But I'm back, and reviewing. A few more notes, I love how you described the architecture and I loved the small restaurant. I always find the best food at small local restaurants in Europe. Sometimes it's best to follow your nose! Now, off to the next chapie! :D
Goddess of Hogwarts chapter 39 . 11/25/2012
A good song for this story would be Sober by Pink :)
sjrodgers23 chapter 39 . 11/25/2012
loved the story thank you
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