Reviews for Her Unexpected Hero
Clew Lover chapter 16 . 8/9/2016
Clew Lover chapter 12 . 8/8/2016
Loving it so far
Guest chapter 39 . 7/5/2015
hi. I absolutely love this and I was wondering if you could do another Clare/Dallas story. This pairing is absolutely amazing to me. It would mean the world to me if you could.
anneryn7 chapter 39 . 2/18/2014
Perfect ending
DaySleeperNightDreamer chapter 1 . 2/18/2014
I love this story! I usually dont ship degrassi couples after Sean and emma but it would be amazing if you made another clare and dallas since there are so few stories of this couple
dickard23 chapter 36 . 12/5/2013
Don't keep condoms in your wallet. They'll break.
Smirkle chapter 39 . 6/9/2013
I stayed up all night reading this, I just couldn't go to sleep after I read the first chapter. This was amazingly written and to be honest I had my doubts about a Clare and Dallas story but I'm really glad I decided to read it!
Guest chapter 39 . 4/7/2013
LOVE your story! SAD that its over there is gonna be a second one right?!, I mean they still have to go to Dallas house for summer & Him graduating there is so much more to write about! I really hope there is a second one but if not I will still be reading all your other storys!
Tokio Hotel Cutie chapter 39 . 4/5/2013
It wad an amazing pleasure reading this
NamilovesDegrassi98 chapter 39 . 4/3/2013
Even though it sucks this is the last chapter I absolutely loved this last chapter! This whole story was amazing and such a roller coaster but I mean this in a good way :) I especially loved they did a dance for the girls that was so sweet. Can't wait to read your amazing future stories.
coastiewife465 chapter 39 . 4/3/2013
Just letting you know that I am still alive and reading your stories. Love the fact that Asher finally got what was coming to him. I can't wait for your new stories. I love all your stories and my only request is no pairing Clare with Eli because he has just turned into the biggest douchebag. I always love to see Clare paired with either Owen or Drew.
NaiIAm1112 chapter 39 . 4/3/2013
loved this did an amazing job...maybe a part 2 in the future?
CarmenNugget chapter 39 . 4/3/2013
Nice ending! I wish you put an Asher POV though. That would've been really cool. :) However, I loved it. I'm so sad its ending though! :(
tomfeltonlover1991 chapter 39 . 4/3/2013
Sad to see this end but I loved it. Of course Owen would mention girls and bikinis and sports illustrated. But you got to love him. Dallas and Clare are amazing. Can't wait for the new stories.
tomfeltonlover1991 chapter 38 . 4/3/2013
Love this. Can't believe she's getting threating letters. Hope the others will be able to keep her safe. Update really soon please.
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