Reviews for What They Don't Know
Black Fox34 chapter 3 . 1/20/2017
If you are still around and writing I would lover to continue reading more of What They Don't Know. Even with 3 chapters you have caught my attention and held it. I need to know what happens now.
magic1034 chapter 3 . 7/14/2013
I hope u didnt forget about this stor ._. That would just suck
But plz continue it! It is rlly good! And i know u hav work and college but could u like write a paragraph each day or so ething? That would be awesome..
cool-girl027 chapter 3 . 6/21/2013
pls update this... this is really interesting. I can't wait for the next chap!
Lunabell Marauder Knyte chapter 3 . 1/3/2013
Hello Loki :3

Sirius here. Tony recommended this and he's right. Completely awesome. I would recommend having someone read it before you post it. A common thing is that as an author, you know what you wanted to say, so as you reread it, your mind might fix it for you. But it's nothing too big. Just a few spelling errors and maybe confusing of which word to use. Mistakes that are common for both Tony and I. A few sentences do sound a bit odd, but it's just the wording I think.

He mentioned the characterization. I think, like him, given the situation they're placed in, there is nothing wrong with it. It's darker and from what I've read that Tony has been through, of course he's not going to have his witty banter or sarcasm. The whole thing in Afghanistan lasted months, this was over a year. In the cave, after they told him what they wanted they mostly left him alone, this was constant daily torture.

Plus Bruce, and I might be taking some of what Tony said, Bruce is always this careful being, since he knows perfectly what he's capable of. On normal days he's walking on eggshells and if they want their plan to work, and Loki is a big key to their revenge, they will need to remain on his good side. They don't know how much pride that took for Tony to do so and how much struggle Bruce has to go through because his other personality is most likely yelling at him to fight a familiar enemy.

It's all a game really. and if they want to win, they have to play the part. This is more darker and the plot is more complicated and more for those who are capable thinking along the lines of the villains or the very least...or at least as the person of being wronged...

Anyway...I hope you update soon and I'm sorry for the long review -;
Tony Mischievous Stark chapter 3 . 1/2/2013
Like I said in the post, I totally love it and I can't wait for more. Please update soon :D
killing u with umbrellas chapter 3 . 11/19/2012
Loved it!
Loveoflife chapter 3 . 11/16/2012
...*link blink*
more please :D
semirrhage chapter 3 . 11/3/2012
Very interested in seeing how this all pans out. I like the idea of a darkTony!
shidoni16 chapter 3 . 10/30/2012
I love this story! Keep up the good work because I can't wait to read more!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/21/2012
Love it! Please update soon!
Layla chapter 3 . 10/20/2012
A really good chapter!
LokisonStark chapter 3 . 10/21/2012
Keep going! You are doing great!
jack2724 chapter 3 . 10/20/2012
LOVE THIS! please definitely continue
MyDreamsToYou chapter 3 . 10/20/2012
Yeah and now you have Dr. Banner calling Loki "my lord". This is too out of character for me and I honestly believe if you wrote them in character, your story would have much more success. All of the characters are being written poorly except for Loki. I feel as if every character in this story acts like Loki but is just slapped with a different name. I wish you luck on your story but there are many things that need to be improved and it is not your grammar and/or spelling. It's the content.
MyDreamsToYou chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Tony is very out of character in this. Just because his friends betrayed him doesn't mean he would act differently with the way you wrote him. In fact, he is written the same as Loki and the only way to tell the difference is you writing the name 'Tony' when he speaks. Tony Stark does not talk like that, he has a dramatic, sarcastic, witty flare to him that would never change. A smart ass. I like the concept of your story but I think if you really want this to work, you need to keep Tony's character because he would never say "my lord" without sarcasm or a wink and charismatic grin that seems mocking. I'll read on and see how you continue to play his character. Loki is quite dead on (though seems horribly not suspicious of Tony summoning him) but we'll see.
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