Reviews for People like us
no1nosme chapter 1 . 5/21/2015
Wow, this is incredible. This feels like a more real situation that Alvin and Brittany would end up in than many of the other stories relating to the two on this website. I really enjoyed this story, and if you decide to make another story on this website, I'll be sure to read it.
Alvinatty4ever chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Oh my God. That was ridiculous. In a good way.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
Oh my gosh, why isn't this getting more reviews?! I absolutely LOVE this story! :D
MissSteph22 chapter 1 . 10/21/2012

Why hasn't this received more reviews? This... this was art. Art. I loved this with every inch of my being and how complex and how deep you delved into everything. I want your skills, seriously. The way you referenced book titles and the personalities of those books including their authors - you must read a lot... you must study English! Every sentence flowed perfectly onto the next and nothing felt out of place, not one bit. The concept of love was explored perfectly in this and one can only hope that there's a chance for Alvin and Brittany. I must admit - when I first saw Alvin's new mature personality I was shocked. I've never seen him portrayed in that way before but it was beautifully done. Kudos to you - this is a rare piece of fiction and I hope more writers can write like this.

Peace, love, and COOKIES! MissSteph22 x :)
LLLwwwwwmmmmmmmm chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Awww! This was sooo beautiful! I was almost in tears! I hope this mean that there is a possible chance they'll get together!

What a great little story, so much detail and the way you have made the characters seem older and so life like it is unreal but fascinating! Seriously everything was perfect!

You have everything in college seem so real as well. Like the way the teachers don't care about swearing unlike high school! Just wow! The way you have described everything I can actually play it through in my mind, and not a lot of authors can do that!

So well done!
The Cynical Pickle chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
"This one's for all the suckers who still believe in love, this one's for you" Is that a charracter saying that or is it just your quote?

good start by the way.