Reviews for Daddy's Other Life
Nubitox chapter 4 . 7/10/2008
Hm... maybe a little too fast in the choice of moving and all that, and like the flirter part of him, but I hope he will not start a ship with Hermione, but still a story I think I will like. )
RoughIslandSunrise chapter 86 . 4/1/2007
wow i really liked this story and hope that you will de a sequel
Selene 147 chapter 86 . 11/25/2005
Uh, hi. I just read this fic, the whole thing. Wow. 86 chapters. Wow. I just can't believe anyone could fit an 86 chapter long fic into, what, 6 months writing time? Wow. Thats incredible. There were some parts of this story that made me laugh so hard, there were other parts where I was crying uncontrollably. There were parts I loved, and parts that annoyed me. I was very freaked out by the chapter in which Marit is in the chamber, I loved it. It was unexpected, but it fit. I love it when fics do that. I was annoyed by Hermione's character. Greatly. But most of all, whether I liked a chapter or not, i still clicked the next chapter button. That's gotta count for something. All in all, wonderful job. Still shaking. You deserve much greater praise than this. Bye

VeiledLight chapter 1 . 4/10/2005
86 chapters?wow!
random person chapter 30 . 1/29/2005

i was wondering if you were canadian, b-cuz only canadian use the term chesterfield for couches and your refernece to the Canuks were also a major give away! but what can i say, when it commes to us canadian, hockey is better than beer and money! lol. lets just hope the lock-out ends soon.

you story is really great, even though in not done yet(its too long to read in one day, but i luv anyhow!) Continue up with the good work!

PS: i agree with you on the 'mate' thing...
MusicIsLife28 chapter 86 . 12/12/2004
hehe, I loved the Princess Bride line in there. That was an awesome story. Good work.
JibbityJibJob chapter 39 . 7/27/2004
I'm confused. Last chapter, everyone was back at school and Apacia was dead. Now, summer is beginning and the people are waiting for Draco and Apacia to get there. ?
VeggieNut chapter 20 . 7/4/2004
Thus far, I think this story has a very interesting premis and shows a lot of promise. However, my one concern is the language that the kids (and, I suppose, their parents) use. Although adults do tend to use vulgar language, I don't know of many eleven-year-olds who swear this frequently. I do realize that swearing can be used to emphasize a point and can even be used tastefully, but I feel that excessive use of foul language is unnecessary and detracts from the work itsself. Otherwise, this is a promising story and lacks many of the other "Achillies' Heels" of Fanfiction, including bad grammar and laughable characterization. Keep up the good work, but keep in mind that not everyone appreciates such harsh language.
Kate chapter 1 . 5/3/2004
Can you please e-mail me!
I really want to reas your story but I can't read it online because it would take too long and to download and save 80 chapters would take forever!
Can you please send me the full version to
skittish chapter 9 . 3/26/2004
this upsets me greatly. i loved this story until i read that harry and hermione were sleeping together. and i read part of the next chapter and it said they hadn't been wearing clothes? why would harry sleep with hermione? his best friends wife? i don't like this story anymore. will not continue reading it.
Impmon too lazy to sign on chapter 1 . 3/1/2004
Overall I thought it was a great fanfiction. The ending seemed rather short and rushed though.
FunkyWitchOnFire chapter 87 . 11/16/2003
It was really awesome, and no matter what you say i think that you should write a sequel.
confused chapter 82 . 11/9/2003
what i am totally confused what happened to parvati?
Lindiel Eryn chapter 20 . 10/7/2003
Like the story so far. I can't finish it yetbc I have to go catch my bus
HPMellie4evaandPadfootsGurl chapter 1 . 9/23/2003
I really like this story! I'm going to put you in both of my favorites since you are so talented.

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