Reviews for Forfeit
ShadowXMoonlight chapter 29 . 12/18/2019
HEHE~ Go Stiles and Peter. I am a Sterek but this was cute.
Rosewater chapter 29 . 11/21/2017
Another good read! Although I would have loved it more if you took the time to explore Stiles “spark” ability. You have done wonderfully just that in another series so I’m sated in that area and will let it slide. Loving the adventures and how every chapter opens with them fighting a supernatural. You really feel the time pass (in the story) with each boss take down and them gaining experience points (it does feel like gaming haha). I felt that you wrote those hurdles well and could have expanded each adventures more. You have a good imagination and way of storytelling so thank you again for the good read!
Bloodina Carnage chapter 12 . 2/18/2016
Peasant chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
I just read the first chapter so I speak only about it.
Your writing style is weird. I don't like it because it's like being in the head of one hyperactive narrow sighted squirrel teen. Okay, point, you use Stiles point of view.
It doesn't mean that you can't describe a little more what's around or what's happening, atmosphere is a part of why reading as a gateway to other world is great. Your character has his opinion but your reader may think differently and often that is that distance that make you more involved in a story, so give more element than just the thought of that character. Starting with why he thinks that. And yes, that sort of point of view is never totally objective but there is no need to have a hail storm of opinions. Your reader are intelligent too, you are allowed to do subtle and not put opinion down their throat every line.
Also note that a sentence an idea can help with being more comprehensible to your reader. Punctuation may help you with structuring them, even if you need to use complex ones.


"Humming I stroll along after him towards the burnt out husk of the old Hale house, seriously Derek needs to do something about this place, possibly with a sledgehammer or a wreaking ball."
The sentence before he was playing lacrosse. Where they all that time in the forest near that creepy house in the woods when there are enemies around? It's the beginning of your story, as a reader, I'm totally disoriented. I need a decor to understand the context of the actions.

Humming I stroll along after him towards the burnt out husk of the old Hale house [here put a point, insert a short visual description (he is going to a uneasy meeting, in a dangerously damaged building) then give his opinion], seriously Derek needs to do something about this place, possibly with a sledgehammer or a wreaking ball."

I won't read more, because I don't like your style. Maybe what I see as flaws are in fact genius level ideas, but I always thought than a negative constructive opinion could be helpful too.
Please, be well and enjoy writing (after all, that's the most important).
A peasant.
Kichou chapter 29 . 11/16/2015
Very sweet story. I like it.
NV chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
lolololol okay okay, sweet i like it. I'm obsessed with peter
arya304 chapter 29 . 11/7/2014
This story was amazing I loved it!
enchanted nightingale chapter 29 . 11/4/2014
MySweetYaoi49 chapter 29 . 7/9/2014
Great story. It was well written and I laughed a lot. That end bit in this chapter where Stiles and Peter tell Derek how they really got together was pretty cute. Also the hiding the sex part was genius on your part. Although not very realistic since they are all werewolves so they would smell the sexy and seaman on the two. But, I digress. I was a amazing story. :)
Bast14 chapter 29 . 2/18/2014
This is awesome!
Guest chapter 29 . 12/3/2013
lmao! so funny!
Licy Dreamlight chapter 29 . 9/8/2013
So great !
wkgekpogvpwnb chapter 21 . 9/3/2013
I wish I could be upset with , but if i had a child, and they were dating anyone who was 20 years older than them I'd probably do the exact same thing. But still, it kinda sucks :(
wkgekpogvpwnb chapter 12 . 9/3/2013
Huh... That took a turn for the weird. But it's a interesting weird. Good job author person.
Reading-in-the-Corner chapter 29 . 8/21/2013
I loved reading this.

Beautifully written and awesome plot.
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