Reviews for Longing of the Soul
Gamera68 chapter 7 . 1/14/2016
Please update soon. This has been quite a ride and I like Yoshi's speech pattern. Yoda he reminds me of. :D And yay! Chi's OK now. :D
GirlFish chapter 7 . 9/21/2014
Please write more!
xXSniperKingXx chapter 1 . 12/5/2013
Loving the story, nice work!
DaniJIE chapter 7 . 4/3/2013
At first this story is not caught my attention but I read it and I liked.

Now that Hibiya got pregnant with Freya, wanna see as continuing this fic.

I hope the goddesses apologize for trying to pervert Hideki especially Skuld, hahahaha.
ThanosofTitan chapter 7 . 3/19/2013
Nice ending, I really only noticed one mistake, but it's a very minor one: Kotoko's hair is purple, not black.

As for the date discrepancy, I remember from the manga (at least the version I read), that the email messages between Minoru and Shimbo at the beginning and end of each volume were dated starting at 2026. But it's no big deal, I've been taking some liberties with the dating of my own fic as well.

Tyr the god of war, huh? Interesting OC, but he didn't seem very warlike to me. Also why did he talk like Yoda?

The one part of this chapter I wasn't happy about was the ending for Zima and Dita. Spending the rest of your life trapped in a simulation, even a pleasant one, doesn't seem to be the kind of thing either of them would desire, especially if their memories are removed and replaced with fantasy 5-year-old human versions of themselves. I hope it's only temporary and they can find some real closure (you asked for ideas for followup chapters, this can be one of them).

Freya being reborn as Chitose's biological daughter was unexpected, although in hindsight I suppose I should have seen it coming. I wonder if she'll have the same memories in this new form. If so it would be interesting to see how she reacts now that her little sister is so much older than she is. And if word gets out about a supposedly sterile woman having a child with no father, someone might start a cult around her, lol.
Gamera68 chapter 5 . 3/12/2013
Nice shout-out to "Angelic Layer" :)

Very good cross-over so far.
Webidolchiu94 chapter 6 . 3/2/2013
Hi. Sorry for the absence again. I see you put up the battle with Freya. Pretty intense. And yet another cliffhanger, ohhhh. But it was good. Really got my adrenaline going. Zima is making...progress of sorts and Dita and the Goddesses are having trouble it seems. Especially Dita.

Glad Ms. Hibiya snapped out of it. She was pretty lost, huh?

And Freya is acting rather...well...more hostile than usual. You better have a good explanation! -shakes fist-

Don't you hate when people put that up when they don't get the reviews they expect? I for one don't do that.

I do beg for reviews, though. I feel no shame in that. Demanding for a set amount feels...wrong.
ThanosofTitan chapter 6 . 2/25/2013
I wonder who the mysterious old man is, if he's an established character, I don't recognize him.

I really hope Dita will be okay, you wrote the action scene with such tension, it was very emotional.
Matt chapter 4 . 2/10/2013
Urd's eyes are green.
ThanosofTitan chapter 5 . 2/7/2013
Good update. I liked the Love Hina cameo too, that was funny.

I feel sorry for Zima and Dita, but at least there is hope for them.

I'm a bit confused as to why he hadn't heard of that phrase, he is the national databank after all, but oh well, it's not a major problem.

I really think that if they just explain what happened to Freya she'll let them help, after all she's smart and will understand. Unless there is something else distorting her judgment, that is...
RoninS636 chapter 4 . 1/20/2013
Continue this please!
ThanosofTitan chapter 4 . 1/3/2013
Nice chapter. Glad to see Zima and Dita again, but they didn't need to scare Chitose like that. However they are good people at heart.

Now that Hideki has attracted the attention of a half-goddess, I see potentially embarrassing antics in store. Also interesting to know that Urd has kids, makes me more interested in finding out who the father is.

Skuld seems different with age, yet somehow the same, if you know what I'm trying to say. Also nice to see him finally reunite with Chi. The thing about her having no tongue was weird, I don't really think there was anything in the manga to indicate that...

Anyway keep up this story, and if you have time check out my Chobits stories as well.
ThanosofTitan chapter 3 . 12/16/2012
Nice to see Zima and Dita. I think all persocoms have souls though, so the hotline might be getting more calls from them in the future.

Freya really cares about Chi and doesn't want anything bad to happen to her, so I'm sure if Peorth just explained what was going on, she'd help fix it.

Not sure what was up with Kotoko acting like Sumomo though, as they have completely different personalities.

Still interested in seeing what happens next, and how Skuld reacts to all of this. Maybe Minoru and Yuzuki could show up too, just a suggestion.
Webidolchiu94 chapter 2 . 11/16/2012
...why does this only have three reviews? This is great! sseriously, I just read 20 chapters of "Oh My Goddess!" just to understand your fic in its entirety. I really want to see Urd interfere now that I have. I LOVE WHERE HIDEKI ENDED UP. Wait, then what about the System Force? Will that cause Chii and him to get reunited? Oh, oh, and and, um... Kei sounds like a good son. More people need to read this. I shall summon my followers on Deviantart! Or something...

Keep it up

Oh, and would you know of a Beta that would be happy to help me?

Augh...I need to stop being selfish. Wait, this is a review! Oh, well, this is more natural I guess. I tend to ramble regardless. Uh...Now that I think about it, a cute side story to this would be Zima and Dita becoming human or something like that. Or, maybe Hideki wishes that they both could be Persocoms. Or... (I'm getting way ahead of myself) I could just be quiet.
ThanosofTitan chapter 2 . 11/16/2012
Urd is sleeping with someone? I wonder who it is. Also I'd like to know where Skuld, Kotoko, Sigel, and Mara are in all this. Maybe a cameo from Zima and Dita, too. Keep it up!
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