Reviews for We Are Who We Were
Claire chapter 1 . 4/30/2017
I haven't read a lot of stories from Santana's POV, but you have a good grasp of her character, and I was especially moved by the diary entry about the paper chains & how poorly her abuela treated her. I look forward to reading more of the story.

Side note- Finn butchered my favorite Boy George song! (Karma Chameleon)
Guest chapter 23 . 12/17/2016
Oh, man, the Finn line...
Tara621 chapter 24 . 10/31/2015
So, I'm pretty much in love with Dr. Wilson and all of her scenes. All of her advice seems to be exactly what Santana and now Blaine need. I also love that you actually took us into a session and through what went on. So, so good.

Oh gosh, and then the two of them were actually able to watch a sunrise together! How beautiful.

And then, both of them getting messages from their people - with Cooper's art and Maribel's card. It was so sweet how Santana urged Blaine to pick a space for Cooper's art.

And the final Sue's Kids performance, and Sue's note to them? Ughhhh, that got me right there.

Oh man, the final Hope & Healing mails? These guys have come so very far, and I know that with support, they will grow and thrive so beautifully.

Thank you so much for such a gorgeous and personal story. It has deeply touched me, and I still go back and reread certain passages. Just amazing.
Tara621 chapter 23 . 9/19/2015
1. I'll have you know that I almost spit coffee all over my laptop when Rachel shrieked, "I volunteer!" Oh my gosh.

2. Julio is so stealth! I absolutely love how he was able to convince Blaine's parents to go to Nationals!

3. And yay, more Hope & Healing mail from Santana! It remains so super special that the two of them are able to connect like that!

4. Oh Santana. That breakdown after Nationals was a long time coming. :(

5. And then, Blaine breaks down too. Oh so horrible. But how amazing that they're both able to be there for each other in these moments. And Santana seems to go above and beyond with the whole counseling thing - even switching her own appointment so soon after her mom's anniversary. What amazing friends they are to one another. And Dr. Wilson seems like she'll be able to help Blaine too, which is fabulous. Thanks for such a great chapter! :)
Guest chapter 11 . 3/20/2015
I *really* like the ways Santana's history is so present in her life, informing her feelings and decisions.

Sue's "I want to terrify them myself" is perfectly hilariously Sue.

Emma turning around reminded me about how they way to have tough discussions with your teenagers in the car-it's easier when you don't have to maintain eye contact.

I'm so happy both of them are reaching out. And I'm so happy that both Brittany and Quinn had such supportive responses to Santana.

Tara621 chapter 22 . 1/26/2015
I love that Julio is coming to Nationals, and I love that he loves the Beatles. :) Hahaha, I can just see Sue showing off her new tracksuit to him.

Santana and Julio doing Eleanor Rigby together was all kinds of awesome. What a special moment for them. And what a special reward for Sue's Kids, getting to see former champions in action like that? :p

But oh no, the Free Credit Rating commercial? How terrible. I can completely see everyone's reactions, from Kurt's to Blaine's to Santana's. And I'm so happy that Julio and Sue were able to control the situation - even down to Sue putting headphones on her stomach, haha.

The Blaine and Rachel scene was super surprising. That, for a moment, Blaine was able to tamp down on all the hurt, and call to mind his brother who just loved performing.

Hahaha, the Santana and Sam scene, he can't talk to Blaine, or Sue will make them sing something called a murder ballad...

Having the year anniversary during Nationals and hanging over Santana and Julio's heads like this really works. It's got to be both incredibly difficult and kind of a relief to have something else going on. Interested to see where this goes. :)
Tara621 chapter 21 . 1/20/2015
Oh Blaine's parents (whose names I can't remember right now), ousting your child before he graduates is not going to take away your pain. It's just going to leave you with an empty nest four months sooner.

While I love that Blaine feels seen and heard at the Lopezes, I especially like the conflict over the picture. It feels real. True.

And oh my gosh, Julio is coming to Chicago! And he's so happy! It's like a dream come true!

"But I also loved Cooper...and look what happened..." Oh man. These words packed such a punch. :(

The Brittany reveal was unexpectedly lovely. You write her so well, with wisdom as well as humor.

And wow, the two of them going to see Miss Pillsbury at the end? That was all kinds of perfect. She always has the best advice. And having Santana and Blaine there at the same time? Kind of a special, full-circle type moment. :)
Guest chapter 10 . 1/19/2015
Um, I think Tenacity week has been my favourite so far. Those team building exercises were awesome.

I like the little moments where Santana and Blaine notice each other. They nicely compliment their growing online friendship.

Guest chapter 9 . 1/19/2015
Honestly, List of Champions vs List of Evildoers. Sue is so the one who initiated the League of Doom.

Between Blaine and Santana my heart will be shredded by the end of this story. I was so happy that Santana's dad finally did something. I have my fingers crossed that he will do more in the future.

Guest chapter 8 . 1/19/2015
As soon as the Mercedes/Artie duet was announced I immediately wanted to hear it. I'm probably predictable.

So many teacher!Rachel feels in this chapter.

The line "a connection that simply didn't exist anymore" was my favourite in this chapter. It's so true and so hard with changing or disintegrating relationships, no matter what they were to start out with.

Guest chapter 8 . 1/19/2015
My first thought was: Thank you Santana, for telling people things they need to hear.

Guest chapter 7 . 1/19/2015
Sue is still pretty terrible but she is excellent comic relief. And her note cards are pretty genius.

Honestly, picturing Tina singing King of Anything is pretty awesome. "My growing feminism will cut you in half like a righteous blade of equality."

I'm kind of dreading the holidays along with Santana and Blaine.

Guest chapter 6 . 1/19/2015
I think I'll spew my thoughts about Blaine into your inbox so we can have a better conversation.

I like how HSM and CB's online friendship is progressing. It feels true, and good for both of them. And it soothes my heart to know that each of them is not completely alone.

And oh, Finn. It's time to take a step back and examine your privilege. Reading about Santana's outing will always be just as hard as it was the first time I watched it.

Guest chapter 5 . 1/18/2015
Noooo Santana!

Stevie Evans is the best.

I had to keep scrolling down to see which songs the kids were singing. But Brittany singing Over the Moon has me laughing. I'm glad it made Santana laugh too.

Guest chapter 3 . 1/18/2015
Tbqh I'm mostly rolling around in delight at Artie's audition and casting, especially since there is that discussion about disability going on on my dash right now.

I'm oddly...relieved that Santana (or HSM) is reaching out to CB and Blaine is being honest back. It's adding hope.

I also kind of loved the adaptability theme and Sue's comments on the cards!

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