Reviews for Just One Drop
aishathrayariyaz chapter 1 . 2/2/2019
It has become one of my favourites
Olivia Barron chapter 26 . 2/20/2014
Great story. I liked the 'Wielded Whip' chapter. Do another one! :)
Hawkwing-Mistkit chapter 8 . 2/14/2014
At the end, I don't understand what exactly is happening. Who were they, and what did the answering call mean?
I like your story, though at first I wasn't interested because the summery didn't capture my interest. But then I needed something to read for class that wasn't short, so I picked yours. I'm glad I did and your story has officially captured my interest. Can't wait to keep reading! But sadly, class I over. I have an account under this name, please reply
Hanakosong chapter 26 . 8/12/2013
This whole story was gorgeously written and I envy your talent! Thank you so much for this divine read you have provided me and everyone else with. I loved every word of it and throughly enjoyed every second I spent reading it.
celticank chapter 26 . 8/9/2013
A beautiful way to end this story.
katybaggins chapter 26 . 8/6/2013
Well, this made me cry just like the original ending did :( it's just so sad, no matter how long I think about it or how much I understand it. Poor, dear Frodo. Anyway, I'm so glad you finally posted this. It was wonderful, just like the story was. Thank you!
Guest chapter 25 . 8/5/2013
Epilogue? :D
StoryTeller96 chapter 15 . 7/29/2013
You are terrific! Were you Tolkien in a past life? This is amazing writing.
Lady in black chapter 6 . 7/4/2013
A friend of mine recommended this story to me and I must say that I'm rather glad that I listened to her. Even though I've only read this up to chapter six I am already hooked and needed leave a word of thanks and appreciation for this wonderful story. It's very dark and very angsty - and I love it. I'd love to spend the rest of the night reading it, but I'm afraid my tiredness won't let me. Thank you so much for this. It's wonderfully written and I think that you've captured the individual characters very well. I love the interaction between the Hobbits, Frodo and Sam especially. A job well done.
CoffeeOwl chapter 25 . 6/29/2013
That was absolutely brilliant! Everything tied in so well; the downfall to miserable hopelessness, then the resurrection to giddy happiness, and all characters were completely in-character (which is a rather rare trait here). This is publication worthy, in my opinion. Thank you for sharing.
A guest chapter 25 . 6/21/2013
I loved this fanfic! Thanks for writing it! It was the best I have ever read,great job!
Kelsey S chapter 25 . 6/21/2013
Such a satisfying chapter! I can sense the story wrapping up sob, sob :( but it is all falling into place so beautifully. Frodo is all the more a hero for not recognizing that he is one!
celticank chapter 25 . 6/21/2013
Interesting chapter.
katybaggins chapter 25 . 6/21/2013
Thank you for the extra long chapter! It was well worth the wait, as always. I'm so glad Frodo can see some kind of redemption in the fact that this time he didn't fall. I'm glad too that Sam will be all right.
RazzlePazzleDooDot chapter 24 . 6/17/2013
Hello there! I just found this story, even as it appears to be drawing to a close, but I must tell you, I didn't believe that fanfiction could be written this well. From the lack of spelling/grammer mistakes to the intricate plot... just wow. And at the same time, the writing style is very true to Tolkien's, and everyone is in-character. I especially love how this sequel gives Frodo some closure about his traumatic experience with the ring, which was something I feel the original story lacked.
...Welp, have an awesome day! Thanks for the story :]
-Raz :D
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