Reviews for At the Cottage
SawuScimitar74 chapter 1 . 2/9
Great take on how things could've gone had the curse not come true. :)
Elmund9 chapter 1 . 7/2/2018
Rebelling Aurora was a really a nice shift. I kind of found nice that she was cold towards her parents, after all they were strangers. But it looks like she forgave everyone involved so everyone is happy.
Zac Rush chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
This is really good please please make more but u said in the end to tell about any mistakes and this isn't really a mistake but, it seem to modern after rose is in the forest
Megan Lyle chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
This is a great story!
TheChildOfTheTardis chapter 1 . 6/11/2014
I loved this twist on the story! Very funny but also cute and romantic.
kathieclint chapter 1 . 5/24/2014
I really like your idea. However, I do think that Rose, was ooc. I don't think it would be in her nature to throw a hissy especially not to her aunt fairies. I even felt like she would've apologized to her aunts for escaping. Also, I think the conversations could've been placed into better context (Just nitty gritty stuff). There was a part when rose replied "thanks" and when Queen Leah referred to her as "baby". Such words wouldn't have been used in the 14th century. But again, good job on the story! I like the alternate ending, it was cute :)
Matharose111612 chapter 1 . 5/17/2014
That's a cute little story!
GloomingDarkLove chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
loved it
Spatterson chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
Oh my gosh! Aurora DIDN'T complete MALEFICENT'S curse! Ha ha! In your face Maleficent! Aurora, I'm so proud of you. If you completed the curse, Maleficent would mock Flora, Fauna and Merryweather by saying, "You poor, simple fools! Thinking you could defeat me! Me! The mistress of all evil! Well, here's your precious princess!" she'd reveal you on the floor. The fairies would look shocked as Maleficent would laugh sinisterly and disappear, still laughing. Anyway, I'm so proud of you Aurora. Good job for not completing Maleficent's curse. :D
GirlNamedFede chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
Cuuuuuuuute :3 I really liked it!
CocoRocks chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
fantastic story. At least they found a much easier way to break the curse.