Reviews for Pokemon Adventures: The Highest Power
Guest chapter 25 . 11/3/2018
You cannot grasp the true form of the Enemy's attack!
totallynotobsessedperson chapter 25 . 6/5/2018
Yowl of Time fan chapter 25 . 4/5/2018
I have a question in addition to my rant: Do you even still write stuff or have you forgotten about this account and the numerous fans that you kind of let down by not uploading anything? If you are still in school and school is being mean, then I understand. School is very stressful and I'm in middle school, ugh! But in order for me and others to know your still here trying, please send some sort of message by either updating something or putting a message in your account. If you are leaving this account and going somewhere else like wattpad or creating a new account, please notify your fans.
Yowl of Time fan chapter 25 . 4/5/2018
Yowl of Time,
You are a terrific writer and this Pokemon Adventures series has been amazing. Now, just one very, very, super big problem. Pokemon Adventures: Long Live Life is not out after more than 4 years! I visited a fanfiction recommendation sight where this series is on it and under status, it says "Arcs 1-3 are completed, Arc 4 will probably never be written". Please prove them wrong and upload the fourth arc! I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE! I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! YOU ARE MY ONLY HOPE OF EVER KNOWING WHAT HAPPENS AND HELPING ME CARRY ON WITH LIFE! In conclusion, please upload and actually complete the fourth arc soon.
SpiritedRanger chapter 25 . 3/11/2018
So...Are you ever gonna make a comeback with Arc 4?
Brad-Ashkan Agba chapter 25 . 11/23/2017
This is a really awesome fanfiction. Since I first read it, I have been fascinated by the adventures the Dec holders go on. I read this 10 times now. Still no sign of u. Anyways I'm rooting for you. This is really awesome and I wonder when it's going to be finished. Anyways nice job with the fanfic, and see ya
ShikatsuKuzumaki chapter 25 . 10/9/2017
Hi super awesome job for making such a super awesome pokespé fanfic! I have read arc 1 up to this arc and I would really appreciate it if you finish this because this fic is too awesome for it to be stopped. This is my sixth time reading this and I can't help but be amazed so please continue and thank you for giving us this fanfic!
MajesticAzumi chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
Guest chapter 25 . 7/28/2017
Halfway into 2017 and still no sign of you yet. What happened to you? Everything up until now was a great read and a complex plot that I just love. But that was in 2015. We've already past the 3 year anniversary (I didn't mean that as a good thing) of your last update. Where are you? I don't want to believe you are dead.
A Pokemon Tactician chapter 25 . 1/1/2017
Let's see if this year we'll see the continuation of this series. It's be a real shame if it stopped at this point in the tale.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/24/2016
I just want to say thank you. Thank you for writing such an amazing fic. I know it's been a long time since you've updated it, but I remember reading this when it first came out. Now I've read this.. What? 5 times? Its too amazing. Thanks for it
AllenaQuest23 chapter 25 . 8/5/2016
I must ask you... Are you still out there? I mean you said a short break but that was two years ago. Umm... Write back if your still alive. It's the internet you could have died or something and no one would know. It's really unnerving to think about. Please write again you gave me so much inspiration but I'll just worry about everybody. Thank you.
Hermioneb chapter 25 . 4/25/2016
Please, Please, write one more, 4 of 4.
Li Yang955 chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
So I'm guessing you're dead?
So chapter 25 . 2/29/2016
Well, a lot of people will hate me for this, but can you kill gold and/ or mabye red? I like tragic fanfics and I wanna see how much silver actually cares for gold... Also it would suit gold as he is well known for suicide runs that he suffices by a strain of luck...
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