Reviews for Heroes of Unova
Guest chapter 11 . 6/23/2019
Wow. That was an amazing story! Kinda sad you didn't finish it, but I can easily see why. Thank you for giving the plot summaries though, it was fabulous to know where the story was heading and finished! Plus, you are an amazing writer, so I hope you find a new fandom that brings you happiness!
pr0dz chapter 9 . 9/8/2018
That Lydia. I don't know if I can like her or hate her. Maybe I should do both. She really took it too far but at the same time, she backed up every statement. Even Ash knows since he didn't outright yell. Very interesting character.
Cempaka chapter 11 . 8/19/2018
Just found this tonight and I can't help but read the entire story in one sitting.

Too bad it went into hiatus, but I'm so very grateful for the summaries. And IMO, this story is good enough that even though "this kind of story and this kind of fandom just doesn't mesh well", you did such a great job waving them that it felt so natural and good and fun!
Soloshi Akuma chapter 11 . 10/27/2017
Wow, this was amazing while it lasted. I loved all the N moments, that Paul would be in it (I smiled just be reading his name, is that wrong?), and an Intelligent!Ash fic that doesn't change his character to the point where he's just a gloomy emo. The plotline was amazing, you included the canceled Plasma vs Rocket episode, you gave justice to Cilan and Iris's characters...just wow. THANK YOU.
Marisandini chapter 11 . 11/20/2016
How the hell did you think the story and fandom doesn't mesh! I'm sad Tepig, but your rewrite was better than the anime! Granted I would have loved you showed more scene where Ash helps pokemon but seriously, this is one of the best Unova rewrite that doesn't make me cringe! If you ever change your mind in continuing this then do so! if the fandom doesn't do you justice, ignore the fandom, the top story doesn't always mean a good story. Case in point? Twilight. Anyway, I can't force you but I do want to express how I feel so thank you for the brief entertainment.
Marisandini chapter 11 . 11/20/2016
How the hell you think it doesn't mesh! this is the best Unova rewrite story! I'm sad Tepig was taken but you could have
The Riptide Writer chapter 3 . 10/23/2016
After all the terrible, terrible "!Intelligent" Ash fics that managed to make him completely unlikeable, I was starting to give up hope that there were any good ones that gave Ash any power through experience.
Thanks for proving me wrong.
Raj8 chapter 11 . 8/19/2016
Thank you for releasing this plot summary, while a bit sad that it will never be finished, I always appreciate the authors who end up giving away their plans because they do not plan on finishing the story.
ChangelingRin chapter 11 . 8/18/2016
Aww... Well, at least I've learned to make sure the story is continuing before following it. Thanks for showing the plan of what would eventually happen, though. Hey, maybe somebody will adopt it.

(Not me, I don't have the right style for this.)

Hope whatever your current fandom is holds more inspiration for you!
Noaccountsorry chapter 11 . 8/18/2016
I'm sad it is over even if I understand why you did it.
Your story was one of the few ones who got Ash's character right. It felt like something the writers could come up with if the original anime wasn't so much of a kids show. He wasn't portrayed as stupid and hyperactive, bumbling idiot, but he wasn't a god of a pokémon master (without any explaining other than: derp he trained) either.
I wish I had commented on this sooner, it's amazing, damn. I feel sad that this fandom lost you, but it can't be helped. I read a lot of rewrites (and dropped them fast) and yours is the best along with Renegade warriors. (My opinion)
I felt like I needed to leave this review and tell you I appreciated the story even if I'm a lurker and never did this before.
I mean, the plotline was full of action and things I wish I would have seen in the anime. Ash seriously reconsidering what he does when catching pokémom was heartwarming. And him really mulling his ways and thinking because of N just showed again how much Ash adores pokémon.
I loved the idea with Cilan and Lydia. It made him a much more serious and interesting character. I mean I love Cilan's fabulousness, but this was a great take.
Ash and Iris interaction were damn cute and she is a total #tsundere. I like how you kept them bickering friends but didn't overdo it like the anime has. I love your Iris. Always loved her, but you did her justice.
Trip being Ash's student instead of his rival was so fulfilling.
You planned to have Paul in it.
Your decision to have him less pokémon so you could concentrate on them wasn't a mistake. Not in my eyes.
Your plotline shows how much you thought about it and the final decision for Ash to have a deeper bond to his pokémon and acknowledging his powers was a message I totally agree with.
Even if I think Ash doesn't have to learn that. He knew that for a long time.
But it is probably more of a take that fandom. I think.
And last, but not least. The interaction between Ash and N.
N being surprised by Ash and admiring him was something I always wanted. I love the idea of him warming up to Ash. Those two have so much in common even if they come from so different worlds I can't even. Yeah, they are my br/otp.
You my dear person have spared Ash so much failure while keeping his overall character and the message the anime wants to convey.

This is not a forceful try to get you back to writing. This is a thank you for posting something I could truly enjoy.
ChangelingRin chapter 2 . 8/18/2016
Y'know, that's true...

I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with Iris.

Also, quick question. Pikachu learns Electroball because Nintendo wanted to show off Unova, and that's fine, but what always annoyed me was that they got rid of Volt Tackle for it. Kinda curious what your plan is?

Keep it up!
ChangelingRin chapter 1 . 8/18/2016

Honestly, I about popped a blood vessel when I first saw that fight. 'Can't use Electric attacks and thus can't win', ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Pikachu had to have been AT LEAST level sixty or something by then, and that was a starting-level Snivy, even Quick Attack should have been enough to knock it out!

...Can you tell I've been annoyed with this for a while?

Anyways, this intrigues me. This intrigues me very much. I'll be following this one!

Keep it up!
PeaceB-Me chapter 4 . 8/2/2016
Ok, I just had to review this chapter for the simple fact: TEPIG! Why did you have to introduce N. early and then have him take Tepig? One of the reasons that I liked the B&W series is because of how Ash found and interacted with the Pokémon in this region. It was a fond reminder of how he found and gained the trust of Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander(now Charizard). I liked how much more in-depth the process of Tepig overcoming his past scars and becoming stronger with Ash.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/23/2016
though N found tepig first, will he still end up joining ash?
C chapter 10 . 5/24/2016
I love this. So much. I was really disappointed with how they decided to incorporate N into the anime, and seeing a fanfiction fix that is fantastic. Thank you so much! I hope you'll be able to update again, I'm very eager to see what happens next..
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