Reviews for Diamonds
Guest chapter 4 . 12/13/2017
"he was like owning the most rare of diamonds with my body and soul" ? WHAT? No, seriously WTF?

I cant believe you wrote that, I'm kind of embarrassed for you.
Bevey99 chapter 8 . 6/22/2017
way after the fact , but you always mount horses from the left.
jk chapter 9 . 4/8/2017
ohhh fucking puke does Edward fuck whores in alllllll your stories? nasty...
jk chapter 7 . 4/8/2017
wow someones got some issues...maybe you should work through that shit before you be with someone...but now it makes sense that she would lower herself to be with a manwhore that made fun of her.
jk chapter 5 . 4/8/2017
bella says she say Edward naked and the girls look at her "knowingly?" as in...they also know what he looks like naked cause Edwards a nasty used whore?
jk chapter 4 . 4/8/2017
Edwards just that smooth huh? he can make fun of bella all day in class, ignore her for weeks and BAM get her to be a whore in under a hour? the question is raised though...why is bella so fucking EASY? gross
jk chapter 2 . 4/8/2017
Edward made fun of her in class...that would be the moment he crossed the fucking line for me...I don't give one fuck about his past.
plus he fucked tanwhore and now Jessica? HA this Edward is a fucking loser, no thanks. How about bella and ANYONE ELSE?
jk chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
Edward actually said "handkerchief/bandana?"...ummm ooooooooook
cbzoo chapter 19 . 11/7/2016
short but sweet
cbzoo chapter 5 . 11/6/2016
cbzoo chapter 4 . 11/6/2016
cbzoo chapter 3 . 11/6/2016
interesting start
Jaygm chapter 19 . 5/11/2015
Another lovely story! Loved this one as well. Thank you for this.
Jaygm chapter 18 . 5/11/2015
Well, Edward is alive. I hope they find Jacob.
Jaygm chapter 17 . 5/11/2015
Who would have guessed that Jacob was such a freak? Poor Edward must have gotten hurt badly.
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