Reviews for The End That Is the Beginning
LaurylBerrington chapter 7 . 9/3
It's been a long, long time but I would love for you to come back to this. This is such a rare gem, i can't even put into words how meaningful your writing is. It's rare to see such an honest and realistic depiction of the thoughts that make people go to this extreme decision. Thank you for sharing this; I hope you are well and in a place in your life where you want to be.
Your writing is so, so special. I hope you kept writing.
imnotcoolyet chapter 7 . 4/16/2018
Love this story and supportive Santana is being for Brit.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/3/2017
Please update
Guest chapter 7 . 6/22/2017
You should really continue this story
Guest chapter 7 . 2/25/2017
awww please come back and picj this story back up! :O I love this!
aheller chapter 7 . 12/21/2016
I don't know if you have any intention of continuing but I wish you did! Phenomenal writing!
Guest chapter 4 . 8/27/2016
Full of heart, hope, L O V E
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
!W O W! Intelligent talented writing
Guest chapter 2 . 8/27/2016
Excellent indepth,writing
Guest chapter 3 . 8/27/2016
The best emotional,heartfelt, "LOVE"
Jaminica chapter 7 . 1/22/2016
Please update
Guest chapter 7 . 4/22/2015
Will you like ever update this story?
Guest chapter 7 . 4/4/2015
Amazing story! I loved it and it's storyline. Hope you write another one about Brittany and Santana. 3
sagcan chapter 7 . 3/29/2015
This is a great story, I hope you can give it a proper's too good to leave it here. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to write it.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/16/2015
I have loved this story for as long as it has existed. You are an incredible writer, and I truly hope fandom hasn't lost you.
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