Reviews for The Leaving Feast
Dark Den 123 chapter 1 . 5/15
Thanks for an amusing tale.
Vice Admiral chapter 1 . 1/21
I enjoyed reading your story. This particular ship is my favorite. Harry, Hermione and Luna. I can just imagine the look on Dumbledores face when Harry leaves. One point though. I wish you could continue the story. Having everyone chase Harry; I E Dumbles and Snape getting their butts handed to them.
Rebmul chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
I utterly loath open ended stories but what you have is good
Freddie Rindklip chapter 1 . 9/20/2019
Interesting story
Sparrow White chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
I also tend to be read-only; in fact this is the first review that I have ever posted on . One of the reasons for this is that there are some folks over on Twisting the Hellmouth who appear to firmly believe that if you haven't posted a story there, you shouldn't be reviewing there either - or if you must, you're not allowed to say anything negative. This attitude has influenced me to hold my tongue.

However, after your A.N., I decided to review this story. It's a good one; when I am in certain moods, an angst-free zone is exactly what I want, and you have indeed provided that in the handful of your stories which I have read. This story is short and to the point, and of course could have been expounded on or drawn out. But I enjoy a good pinch of Lunar Harmony now and then, and this is certainly that.

Thank you for writing.

Sparrow White
Millie072 chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
It's really too bad the read only crew don't review as they should. This feast was highly enjoyable without worrying about calories. Luna is adorable, and her jump right in attitude suits her personality. Harry & Hermione always seemed more brother/sister to me. As for the escape plan, if a private tropical island was available, why hang around Scotland in the winter? Has anyone ever taken you up on the chance to do a sequel? Would love to read them. Thanks
Bronze chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
I happen to one of those read only type. Though unless the story is over five yeas old I review it. I think chaos ruled the Great Hall right after the three left. Harry had just spit in Dumbles eye and disrespected him in front of the two visiting school and the press. He's gonna want more than just his pound of flesh for all that. I imagine he'll go to Gringotts trying to stop Harry accessing any of his money. Of course that'll likely be the last time the magical world ever sees of him again. Btw, I understand the being unable to type all the time because of you hands. I have trouble with my right shoulder. I have to sleep on my right side or my starts to really hurt. Anyways, I think your writings are good and I enjoy even the one shots you post.
steve.moore.9081323 chapter 1 . 4/5/2018
A bit of a short story
Really enjoyed it
And I’m nearly 70 too
Thank you for sharing the story
Schorl chapter 1 . 12/6/2017
Ben chapter 1 . 11/28/2017
Ma'am, (or sir). You are a fricking genius. Please write more. Please. (Begs on his knees)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
Silly fun with a tech twist
jps986 chapter 1 . 12/30/2016
Thank you for your succour. :)
Bronze chapter 1 . 12/30/2016
I'm one of those read only people however, whether I like the story or not I never flame the author. Hey, if you can't do as good or better, DON'T FLAME those who post! With that said I enjoyed this. I like the idea of Harry walking out on that stupid death tournament. The Brainless Wonder just has to keep throwing Harry into situations where he could easily be killed every year. Then every summer sending him back to be further abused. As for the Medinurse Poppy, absolutely useless! Every year Harry returns to school underfed yet she does nothing for him. So if he has the ways and means to escape, he should. Can you honestly tell me he must risk his life to save a school and people who do nothing to help him?
xNaruHina chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
This was a cute story :3
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
You make it seem like they are meeting Luna for the first time the morning of their walk. How did Harry know to add Luna's home and dorm room to the portal maker?

I also want to say that as much as I liked this story, I'm glad you ended it where you did. I'm just not into Harry/multi stories, so no sequel for me.
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