Reviews for Nothing On My Tongue - The Outtakes
jfdkalhfjdsbbe chapter 7 . 2/17/2014
Perfect way to tie off the story. The end is just so damn sweet, just, beautiful.
jfdkalhfjdsbbe chapter 6 . 2/17/2014
You do such a brilliant job at balancing the sexy bits with their particular brand of humour. And Ed catching Winnie when she walked out of the mens room- priceless.
jfdkalhfjdsbbe chapter 3 . 2/17/2014
Winnie is so funny when she gets babbling, poor girl. Wonderfully sexy addition to the story :)
jfdkalhfjdsbbe chapter 2 . 2/17/2014
It's the middle of winter here, I'm just going to open a window and stick my head out because that was too damn hot. Brilliant writing!
jfdkalhfjdsbbe chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
Well, hot damn!
Fourbubbles chapter 7 . 9/8/2013
Okay...where to start? I'm a huge Flashpoint fan and miss it desperately, but have found the fanfics and reveled in reading anything with Eddie and Sophie and Spike and Winnie. So down to specifics...I UBER loved your Outtakes and am off to read Nothing On My Tongue. Keep writing! PLEASE! I'll make brownies for you if you do. Hee Hee! Thanks again! ((HUGS))
SunshineForever96 chapter 7 . 2/25/2013
Good job
Buckeye am I chapter 7 . 2/25/2013
Fruit basket. LOL If only every guy could be taught the right way and the many ways. LOL

Marshmallow fluff. Oh yeah, she and he are all gooey with that conversation.
Tirsh chapter 7 . 2/24/2013
So I send one little oh so innocent picture of a puppy in a necktie and you turn it into this delightfully naughty little piece of business? Good thing I only use my powers for good ;) Love this so much - Winnie's internal monologue just kills me. I remember way back chapter 3ish or so you possibly regretting the choice to make it Winnie's POV and I'm so glad you stuck with it because I have so enjoyed being in her head for this whole ride.

"Okay, so possibly she could have phrased that a little better. Whatever, he's used to her by now." HEE! I love this - she used to worry so much about what she said, what she didn't say and now she's all meh - whatever - he'll figure it out.

Also... umm ... hot.

And Barry! Of course Spike went Justice League (And you know Sam rolled his eyes when he figured it out) and you know in his head he uses both names, first and last because. And he totally calls him Flash - but only when they're alone because duh - secret. identity.

"maybe, that's what all their choices have brought them to: a chance at never getting enough" the perfect end to a gorgeous, perfect story. Now about that 12 step program...
kdj539 chapter 7 . 2/24/2013
Ok - so I see that this story is complete - that's bad. But then at the end I see the 'marriage' talk. So what that means is that you have now opened this can of worms and will have to follow thru with another story that goes into much, much more detail about the 'marriage' talk. Logically it's just a natural progression of this story. You brought these lovebirds this far you just have to make them take the final step. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

As usual this chapter was just too good...can't get enough of your stories! Would rather have just one more story than 100 fat chocolate brownies!
srufan chapter 7 . 2/24/2013
First I was intrigued...Then I was steaming and reaching for the ice...then I was gooey and romantic...please please please give us a wedding/wedding planning story for our Princess Winnie and Superman Spike !
Tirsh chapter 6 . 2/7/2013
So you managed to take quickie public bathroom sex - which no matter how you slice it is vaguely EWW - and turn it into something okay well hot - but also hilarious and adorable and sweet and romantic even? So that's a skill for sure. And let's be clear - an annoying one. So irritating.

I love how she has never ever ever had sex in public - you know except for those times when she totally did. So funny that she has degrees of "public" all rationalized for herself. Delusions are important.

"This! all the tac gear and how he was mid-laugh" - because if that is not a quintessential Spike image I don't know what is.

"You're so romantic," he huffs. "Say something else." was one of many lines that made me giggle. so cute!

"(her eyes stop on his forearms for a second which is stupid because everyone has them, it's just that his are so nice)" Imma go ahead and assume that was just for me as I believe we have been over my ... erm issues... with forearms. shush - don't ruin it - no need to let the facts get in the way of the stories I tell myself.

And could there be anything more adorable than a well-rumpled Spike? I think possibly not.

The team's reactions are priceless. Sam is so jealous that nobody's writing anything like that for him these days :)
Buckeye am I chapter 6 . 2/7/2013
Public bathroom sex is really just -ewww.

But this is just funny. Nothings gets things done like the threat of someone walking in on you. LOL
NobleCaliber chapter 6 . 2/6/2013
So as I've said before, the fact that they don't tell people things and people just freaking know is the best thing ever. And the fact that NOMT is ending and the outtakes with it, I presume, makes me want to throw a fit like I'm a four year old.
Joani chapter 6 . 2/6/2013
Oh Spike'n'Winnie, you naughty, irrepressible pair. :) It's nice to see that being back together doesn't make them dull.

Also, yeah, Wendy's bathroom? ew ew ew nightmare fuel.

One question for clarification though - in the second last paragraph (or, penultimate), is it Jules' engagement ring that's reflecting? It just seemed to me an interesting addition, unless you're setting up where in the cannon timeline this takes place. :)

I will make you delicious delicious cupcakes for more... :D (I have no shame.)
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