Reviews for I'm Not Calling You A Liar
P.F. BlaringSilence chapter 12 . 6/7
Wow. I cannot believe I haven't read this sooner. I would have liked to read how Klaus and Caroline would have played out in present Mystic Falls. But honestly, I don't think I would ever recover from Lyanna. You have managed to portray a consuming and destructive love between her and Klaus.

To be honest, I hated Klaus with Hannah. But absolutely understood him- maybe empathize- with him when with Lyanna. It's good for him to finally realize that what he had with Tatia wasn't real. And it was good that you presented the dichotomy of how Tatia affected both Elijah and Klaus, how they were both stuck in the illusion of Tatia's affection and finally moved on from it.

Lily and Kol were a wonderful surprise here. Never thought I would liked them. In fact, you have managed to write the ladies of Grayshaw with such mystery and vibrancy, showing their humanity but presenting their flaws and faults and ultimately their downfall. At some point, the Mikaelsons really did win.

For your writing, I want to give you a round of applause. I appreciate the foreshadowing you got going on. And more importantly, the effort you've put in your story. That must have required a lot of research and thinking. The angst was superb, especially the fire and garden scene. I almost felt Klaus' pain. Because yes, they could have gotten forever.
chillwithJyl chapter 12 . 4/19
I still hope that one day you will update this
Livvea chapter 8 . 3/9
Hahaha this is my absolute favourite chapter I loved it so much lots laughter but sometimes I can’t but feel the girls are too easy. I kinda was hoping for them to be strong intelligent in all areas of learning and not be able to protect themselves that’d be cool.
I’m still not over what happened between him and Hannah I think he treated her very poorly. Would it be possible for next reincarnated to be able to feel what the last one went through? Just a glimpse of their past life.
Livvea chapter 5 . 3/9
I’m so hating Klaus right now honestly. How dare him whispering Tatia’s name I hope when he does fall in love with one of them make him suffer please.
Livvea chapter 4 . 3/9
I’m so scared now, for Hannah. Again another wonderful chapter. Question: Are the hunters from Lyanna and Noah’s line?
Livvea chapter 3 . 3/9
Oh your version of the story is absolutely brilliant I’m loving it already. Such a creative mind.
Guest chapter 15 . 12/10/2019
Ohhhh man, I know it's been years but if you ever feel like it, please continue writing! I know I still browse klaroline fiction even though both shows have ended, and you story is just amazing. I'd be happy even if you jumped forward to actual Klaroline, though the whole story of lyanna and Klaus definitely has me hooked on "klausXotherversionofcaroline" stories. Shorter arcs and chapters are also ok! Any update really will do. Great writing!
tuzin chapter 15 . 1/23/2018
I read this story for the first time all night last night. Did you ever get so addicted to something that you couldn't sleep without finishing it? I didn't get a minute of sleep last night and wow!

At first, the slow burn made me really sad because I knew there were only 15 chapters and I'm a little bit impatient person myself but every single detail about this was perfect. Plot was perfect! All the details came together and created a beautiful timeline.

I'm so sad that you didn't update this for 4 years now and I saw a new story update that you gave the same title but I didn't saw the Klaroline in there. :( I love Klaroline and I think they are super fitted for this kind of a plot and timeline. Lyanna/Caroline was so herself, protective of others and smart, and everything about Klaus was so perfect. They acted everytime the way I waited for them to act. It wasn't sappy but it was perfectly romantic. The death of Lyanna was exactly the way I imaged. I was so happy about the details and it'd make me really sad if you remove Klaroline from this story.

Thank you for writing it x I can't help but hope to read more!
luce18 chapter 15 . 1/3/2017
I really love this fanfic and I want to know how it ends Please keep writing!
Faraheim chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
i love this fic so much you have such a way with words thanks so much for writing thislovely fic ;_;
JackySays chapter 1 . 7/30/2016
I should have done this a long time ago.

Your writing is developed and clearly a cut above the more amateur offerings here in ffn as well as on tumblr. It's no surprise that you have received much praise for your writing and the quality of this story; some people have even called this the best Klaroline fic. I have no doubt your fans are sincere about their complements.

It's just a shame you let the praise get to your head. You were given a tub of salt water and you fancied yourself the goddess of the sea.

You talk about yourself and this story with a sense of entitlement that Donald Trump would have been proud of, acting as though you are some kind of superior being writing this epic story for the deeper end of the fan pool. No, I don't believe you think you are a flawless writer or that this is a flawless story. But you absolutely believe that you are better than 99% of the fandom and you don't give a flyin about that 99% - not about what they think, not about how they feel - because you think they are beneath you and don't deserve the smallest amount of sensitivity or consideration from you. You brand your callousness as being brutally honest and apathetic about what others think of you and constantly use this as an excuse to belittle or insult whoever or whatever you please.

Don't try to hide behind the mask of not caring what others think of you, because it's blatantly obvious that you do. You relish being showered with positive attention, welcoming with open arms anyone who has anything nice to say about you regardless of the big picture - like if they insult other people for your sake. When you're not getting the praise that you crave for, you get angry and demean both the people who do get attention and the people who give it to them. You launch into your characteristic "Intellectual here, listen to me, my word is law and you are an idiot if you disagree" tirades, relying on your overused pretense that 'These are my opinions, I am entitled to them, I don't need to conform with any of you, I don't care what y'all think of me, you can all suck it' as an excuse to demean others. Your last post on tumblr is a glaring example of your unbelievable egotism - who do you think you are to tell people what fanfiction should and shouldn't be? That's just rich, considering you spent half of your time in this fandom telling people that you shouldn't be persecuted for having your own preferences and opinions, especially those that don't conform with others' sentiments. How utterly hypocritical of you to now insult people for having their own preferences and opinions that don't conform with your profound ones.

How about you just admit that you were incredibly upset because the lowly romcom fics made by less talented amateur authors - who are definitely among that 99% of people beneath your greatness - are getting more attention and appreciation than INCYAL. There's countless other talented but less-appreciated writers out there who share this sentiment, but unlike most of them who approach this maturely and accept that they have no control over readers' preferences and actions, you of course had to belittle the fic writers and their readers. Let me guess, what you said is your personal opinion and you don't care what other people think of you for that, right?

Pull the stick shoved up you out. Yes, your writing style is more mature than most and not a lot of people are going to be able to write a story as artful as INCYAL, but that doesn't give you a pass to insult anyone who enjoys something you dislike. That's not being straightforward or confident, that's just being an a-hole. You ought to be ashamed that someone has to even tell you that.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/7/2016
Write more please write more
Geli chapter 15 . 4/26/2016
Please finish this story. My soul cries every time I remember this story is abandoned.
luce18 chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
Wonderful story! Definitely one of the best Klaroline stories I've read by far!
Please don't let go of this story!
Make FFN Sensible Again chapter 15 . 7/31/2015
Huzzah! Another one bites the dust!

Klauswolfqueen has been banned from FFN!
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