Reviews for Snowbird
Sora Tayuya chapter 1 . 9/17/2018
What a delightful angle! And that ending...gods thatgave me chills(not entirely of joy either). What a terrifically-written and plotted story. The anecdote about the leprechaun was lovely, the mention of Ansani a treat, but The Mouse himself...?

Gods. In my years of reading this fandom, I can't believe I almost missed a gem like this. Well done, well done.
John Smith chapter 1 . 6/17/2018
It took me far too long to finally review this. It is easily one of the most realistic and well-characterized FanFictions I've ever read for Rise of the Guardians.

You guys did such an incredible job with portraying not just the characters as we know them, but as dynamic people who exist in a dynamic world. The struggles they went through, the history they had, the nuances of this world that you've built... It's just so fantastic, I don't even have the proper words.

I'm really impressed with the way that you pulled off the characters here. I've read the story about three times, I don't think I've ever really appreciated it more than this third time, and before that I hadn't appreciated it more than the second time. The first time... I actually have a little bit of trouble reading it, because it made me feel embarrassed for Jack. I could really relate to making mistakes like that, and it made it almost difficult to read, honestly. I really, really applaud you on making such beautiful and realistic characters come to life in the story. The concepts are just great, and I always laugh so hard at Bunny saying that Ricky Mouse gives him the Willies. Haha.

The whole story is just so brilliant from beginning to end, and I love that you don't linger too much on all the things that Jack does. You let the characters explain it later, which puts us more in Jack's mindset throughout the story. We're kind of in the dark, learning of the things he did only when he learns them and being shocked as he's shocked. It's really masterful the way that you wrote it.

I love this story so much, and I love the series that it's part of so much. I'm going to continue reviewing, which I should have done a long time ago, but sometimes there are stories that I want to read multiple times before I make comments on them. All of the stories in this series have been that way for me. They hold an incredibly special place in my heart when it comes to Rise of the Guardians. I think you guys write this set of characters under this universe better than any other authors I have seen so far. You make everything so real, so beautiful, so touching, so high stakes, so meaningful, so painful, and so relatable. Bravo.
Pipe Dream chapter 1 . 2/15/2016
What's with the copyright-aware names? It's not like you'll get sued for a non-profit product if you put a disclaimer for them as well
Optimistique chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
Cute story and a good idea! Nice continuation from the movie.
Katz4 chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
Haha, Loved it! Guardian "hazing" tradition.
Malica15 chapter 1 . 11/15/2014
Oh my goodness, Ricky Mouse...Brisney World...Oh gosh, I need time to compose myself. *laughs hysterically* XD

Okay, okay, I'm back. Wow, this was amazing. Perfect mixture for a story in there - with humor being 75.8%, drama being 15.2%, and others being 9%. Amazing job! :D
MugetsuPipefox chapter 1 . 10/3/2014
Hahaha I love the slightly altered names to avoid copyright XD
It's probably a bad, sadistic thing to say I enjoyed this, but I did. No regrets :P
Well done!
TukeIsHappilyNotWorking chapter 1 . 7/13/2014
Haha, this is great!
I Just Won A Free Toaster Oven chapter 1 . 5/6/2014
Mickey Mouse... who'd have thought?
x-smith chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
this was so cute! and funny! poor Jack was so hyper, and adorable, and the end made me laugh. i liked that you included his human memory after they put him to sleep, is 'Molly' the name you're using for his sister? i've seen her called a lot of things, Mary, Rosie, and Pippa being the most common. this was really nicely done!

i've already read the entire series for this one, and i loved every moment of it. i will of cause be writing reviews for the other stories as well as this one, but i just wanted to ask, in this Jack says he hasn't met Frosty the Snowman, but in King of Cold Mountain he's clearly known him for a while before he became a Guardian. was that just because he was babbling and confused or was it your mistake? anyway, great story!
thatcrazyjellyfish chapter 1 . 3/2/2014
Great story loved it
everydaytimelord chapter 1 . 12/9/2013
That ending, man. I will never trust Micky again.
Firehedgehog chapter 1 . 10/12/2013
Uovoc chapter 1 . 9/16/2013
Thanks for explaining why the Guardians didn't go walking around in broad daylight. I never liked the "it's not real belief without uncertainty" shpiel because it struck me as too manipulative. What makes more sense is the fear of being stuck in a zoo and the fear of changing the status quo.
On the other hand, aren't children the only ones who'll see them? And kids aren't going to question the intrinsic weirdness of an six-foot rabbit, because he's the Easter Bunny. So there goes that part of the explanation, anyway. Darnit.
Fun read, though. There were some really unique ideas in there, namely the one of all of them going briefly crazy at the beginning and the mini-stories that went with that. There's actually a different canon explanation behind the elves and the yetis, but yours is cool enough to disregard that.
One small nitpick: the scenes where Jack was freezing everything in sight dragged on a little too long; I got the idea after Brisney world. Speaking of which, menacing Mouse is hilarious.
Zuzanny chapter 1 . 9/11/2013
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