Reviews for Rants!
catspats31 chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
Just a heads up that the following part of the Content Guidelines is broken:

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Assistant Elite General Matteo chapter 8 . 5/21/2018
Can someone make a big book of rants and include this one? It'll sell a lot, maybe xD
Assistant Elite General Matteo chapter 6 . 5/21/2018
And having a MEANY white flying cat actually lol xD
khaileo chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
I love when people rant about things. Like, you have to be real sometimes and this is what people need. No sarcasm in this at all. Even though I like some of these ships, they wouldn’t make much sense since Lucy doesn’t really have a good relationship with most of the people she is shipped with. So keep up with these!
kurahieiritr JIO chapter 16 . 7/27/2017
Thanks for sharing this because on multiple levels, I could not have said it better. The 400 year long pregnancy was the final straw that made me so mad I quit reading the manga. By then I was so fed up with the oh so many Golden God trio must forever win crap, nor do anything wrong, with the lack of real deaths and the majority of your own ranting points that turned me off completely. I started out in love with the Fairy Tail anime and manga, but I began to hate it after Tartaros arc.

Perhaps my biggest grip is the plot holes so massive that you could drop the nation of Madagascar into the space and lose it. Considering it's bigger than Japan all tied together . . . I honest to Gods, got fed up. Far as I'm concerned, Tartarus is where the show should have ended for good. A final fight with Zeref and stop being a rip off of burned out weaker than weak wanna be jedi mind tricks of "just kidding" variety of silliness for the purpose of making sure Lucy runs around near naked to appease hormonal 15 year old boys. After Tartaros arc, I lost all respect for Mashima and his bad habit of leaving threads hanging that he put into the cannon, and then dropped without resolutions. Doubt anything could make me madder than the way Mashima kept dropping the ball the way he did time and time again. He could have done far better, starting with cutting out the rumor mill shipper garbage, and the like. Finishing things he started and providing closure for everything from the Laxus demanding Lucy be his woman through the rest of his dropped plots would have been better. And I also agree with the Makarov as immortal craptastic mess too. So many things were glossed over and trivialized to the point I had to abandon a story that had so much potential and it really sucked.

Furthermore, the cannon bothered me on a very professional level. Juvia and Natsu are both classic stalkers in the anime and manga. I should know, since my job is to help save women and children who survive abusive people. None of their shenanigans were cute to me, only gut churning. Counseling badly injured people I have to help pick up pieces of, real women and children who survive real life editions of the same behaviors Natsu and Juvia both exhibited . . . and serious abuse got treated as a joke?! The fact it was turned into a running gag of Lucy kicking Natsu put of her place in nothing but a towel sickened me. In real life, Natsu's breaking and entering habit always ends in death for the victim of their stalker. The Juvia version also was treated as a funny gag. Is it sill funny when real people die because of sociopathic behaviors of mentally ill people?

I'm not the only person who has mentioned that the abusive members of the show getting by with it and even rewarded for such was not a good thing for kids to become enamored of where Natsu and Lucy, plus Gray and Juvia are concerned. Both of those ships are far too unhealthy for any abuse survivor to want to cheer for in the end. In real life, people die because of both of those character behaviors.

So yeah, I loved the concept of Fairy Tail at first, but the disturbing aspects of the actual manga, and anime really made it impossible to finish for me.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 12 . 12/31/2016
The pregnancy story one reminds me of the absolute worst piece of filth I've ever read for this fandom. It was a story that took place after the Phantom Lord Arc, Laxus puts out a fake job, Lucy takes it, he RAPES HER, tries to keep her locked up in the hotel room, and when she escapes and is pregnant, he mocks her for getting raped by him. Then, she FALLS IN LOVE WITH HIM, and it treats it like it's an actual relationship. This wasn't after years of therapy and coming to terms or anything, nope! They're pretty much like a married couple by the time Lucy's rape baby is born.

Because a healthy relationship is based on STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. When someone actually called the piece of garbage of a writer out for producing that filth, the bitch had the audacity to cry wolf and play victim, making a chapter whining about one mean review, and how he/she may not finish the story because of it. GOOD! Pathetic thin-skinned degenerate scum. That rant aside (sorry, I just really felt like venting); I gotta agree on the mating thing. I really wish it wasn't so ingrained in the Fandom nowadays, it's just tiresome seeing it so much, I won't skip a story over it, but I wish it would fade out some already.

PS: I am sorry for the review-spam for this, I've just been having such a fun time with this, as stupid as it may sound. It's nice being able to vent about Fairy Tail, and read what other people think, this has really provided a nice outlet.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 8 . 12/31/2016
Preaching to the choir on this one. Sometimes people are total pricks who just tear down others mindlessly, but dear god, not every form of criticism should be taken like a stab to the heart. Grammar and the likes REALLY gets on my nerves pretty badly, for God's sake, just get a Beta-Reader, or use a program to spot and correct any issues. I'm a lot more lenient and understanding if English is not one's first language, but even that has its limits for me. Usually it isn't story-killing for me, unless it is absolutely, appallingly bad.

Also pretty sick of Natsu framed/betrayal fics and the likes, I have a soft-spot for the idea, I dunno why, when they're done even decently they're fun reads. But a lot of the ones I've seen are almost always the same, he gets framed, thrown out, hates Fairy Tail, Tenrou happens, and he gets stupidly, stupidly, STUPIDLY strong. He also becomes Shadow the Hedgehog in terms of morality and angst, to the point where his magical aura produces sound, and "CRAAAWWWLLLLING INNN MMMMYYYYYY CRAWWWLLLLLL" can be faintly made out.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 7 . 12/31/2016
I see Lisanna as just pointless, utterly, completely, pointless. She gave Natsu and Happy bittersweet past, times of friendship and adventure, and the bitter sorrow of losing someone you truly care for, whilst also giving Mirajane more character, and explaining why she was a Dominatrix whore back then, and Saintly now. When she was still dead, I was quite fascinated with her character and interactions with our lovable cast of characters. The reunion was one of the most touching moments of the entire series (that and the Cherry Blossom Tree scene me thinks), but ever since she came back, she has contributed just about dick and all to the story.

It's just a bitter waste of a character, I didn't expect her to join Team Natsu or anything, but my God, Alzack and Bisca get more than her, they have more to their characters than she does nowadays. I wish they gave her some more development, or time to shine. In fact, I really wish more characters got limelight period, Alzack and Bisca are two big ones I'd love to see get some focus, whether canon (impossible by now unless spin-off), or Fanfiction-wise.

Don't get me started on the Fanfiction stories where she is literally Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Kony, and she strangles kittens to death. I absolutely loathe these stories, Lisanna may have some trouble accepting & coming to terms with the fact that so much has changed, and Natsu may be in love with Lucy now, but for fuck's sake; she is not going to treat Lucy like she burned her house down while doing an African Rain Dance on her the graves of her parents, and denouncing her God in Sans Bushmen.

I also especially loathe the stories where Team Natsu flat out tell Lucy she was a replacement for Lisanna. THEY WERE NOT A TEAM BACK THEN, Lisanna was a team with her siblings, Gray and Natsu never teamed up with Erza until Lullaby. It's especially terrible when she comes back a Celestial All-slayer with a harem, including Acnologia. This is fun, I really like this!
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 6 . 12/31/2016
Carla is quite possibly the worst thing of this series, I wish she would just die already. If that happens, I'm going to do a victory lap to the Ecstasy of Gold, it'll be a glorious golden day where the heavens open, and the birds sing. I didn't like Wendy much at first, but she has kind of grown on me. She has come a long way it seems, her fight with Chelia was great, and it showed she can actually put up a good fight, and not be overly useless and dependent on others. It's been months since I last read the manga or anything, so my memory is rusty. But, I do respect your opinion, and do understand where you are coming from.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 5 . 12/31/2016
Honestly, I've come to really hate Juvia as time goes on. Still hate Carla and that Mary Sue Gildarts more though. Her fight with Gray was quite good, I liked how she had romantically confused feelings for him, and her obsession had a charm to it, at first. But holy shit it really wore thin fast, she accuses Lucy or anyone with a bloody pulse of being a love rival to Gray, she's constantly collecting samples of his bowel movements, one for each day to sniff and bask in the aroma, and all this other annoying garbage.

She was one of the element four, and has a really cool magic ability, and it's squandered with her being a pathetic love-sick puppy. "Gray-Sama! I need you inside of me! Gray-Sama, fuck me harder than Slaanesh did the Eldar!" I quite liked her at first, she had cool magic, she had some of the best scenes in Battle for Fairy Tail and Tower of Heaven, but for every one of those moments, we get about fifteen moments of her acting like a school girl. I seriously wish that crap was scaled back as time went on, and Gray slowly fell for her as well, or he would just flat out tell her to back off already.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 3 . 12/31/2016
Sting and Natsu aren't really enemies anymore. There was absolute bad blood in GMG, but I believe they made amends after everything that happened? I think? As far as GraTsu goes, meh, people can interpret that rivalry and hatred as sexually confused feelings. I ain't against homosexuality or Homosexual pairings in the slightest, I ain't that kinda person, but Gajeel x Natsu does make me cringe, hard.

Natsu X Wendy just gives me the creeps, it's like, it's not as bad for me if it's AU where she is older, or it's set in a time-skip where she is at least at Natsu's current age. But if a story has her have feelings for him at 12 or 13 years old, I'm jumping ship like I'm on the Titanic, in Pearl Harbor. Aside from that, basically what I said in the first page.

Thank you for writing this! It gives me a good outlet to voice my opinions, even if no one really cares, this is quite enjoyable.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 1 . 12/31/2016
I usually don't mind crack pairings in stories, as long as there is actually some kind of reasoning for it in the story, and good development for it. It could be something like Lucy x Jura or Lucy x Cobra, as long as it sets things up, explains how/why, and has development, I'm golden.

If it's just thrown into your face and you're expected to accept it, or it's so rushed and forced health nuts would call for executions if it was in food, I'm dropping the story harder than Fatman on Hiroshima. This also applies to canon pairings as well. That's not to say there aren't a few I'll immediately say "HELL NO" to and run for the hills. Makarov x Lucy shouldn't even be a thing in any facet of the universe, same with IgLu (WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US GOD?!).

Despite all I just said, I really do wish people wouldn't put such a huge focus on pairings, I mean, there are so many different aspects to Fairy Tail and other stories. Focus on actual genuine friendships, for example; that is a massive part of Fairy Tail. Shipping shouldn't be such a obscene focus for some of this stuff, that's why I like stuff like Angst week, there is no "pair these two", just write something dark and angsty, that's it.

Right then, this isn't me complaining or whining, just throwing out my two cents on the subject. I personally don't mind it, barring some exceptions (Makarov x Lucy shouldn't be a thing, if you support this I am deeply disgusted by you, and I hope you explode), but I personally think there is far more wrong in the fandom (Natsu X Harem, Lucy is a bitch stories, Lucy leaves stories, etc).

Death to the False Emperor,
-Svane Vulfbad
Angryboy13 chapter 8 . 11/18/2016
Seriously for anyone with grammar issues download Grammarly it auto corrects grammar, spelling and punctation!
Guest chapter 6 . 8/15/2016
Wendy is also paired with Mest aka Dorenbolt. Would you rather support the creepy dude who is older by like, 20 years and has a fetish for little girls with Wendy, or at least someone her age?
Iloveeevees chapter 4 . 8/15/2016
I had absolutely no idea that Erza and Laxus were a ship. Nor Gajeel and Erza.
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