Reviews for Halo, The Imperial War
Guest chapter 3 . 4/11
I really like this so far, and I am sad that this has likely been abandoned. the only issue I have is the tactics used by the Imperial frigate captain. In lore, the maximum range of the ISD Turbolasers are only 100 kilometers. While I don't know how that translates the Turbolasers of a Nebulon B, I would imagine it would be of similar range. Thus, 30,000 km is probably still way out of range of the Neb B weapons.
I Judicator chapter 10 . 4/4
Amazing story. It's a shame it's been quiet. Good luck with whatever you are doing if you are still with us.
Tony McNucklz chapter 10 . 2/20
i hope you post more of this someday. it's like reading a proper author.
Tony McNucklz chapter 7 . 2/20
MAC guns don't have an effective range. they are in space. the round will move in the exact trajectory it was fired at the same speed it was fired for infinite millennia until affected by an outside force. the only question is how accurate the round can be calculated and fired, and how much time the target has to maneuver out of the rounds path. if by 'effective' you are referring to the maximum distance from the enemy a round can be fired without the enemy having time to maneuver, that would make sense.
Colthanian chapter 10 . 9/12/2019
So uhhh this book is great but idk if your planing another chapter
PhoenixTale chapter 8 . 6/24/2019
"For a split second, the Everest and the Imperial capitol ship, were in a position that, for the UNSC, was something that had not taken place since the end of sea warfare in the age of sail." Holy Shit. Is there fanart of this? There has to be fan art of this. This is
AustinGamer117 chapter 10 . 10/10/2018
Please continue this, dear sir. This story is one of the best crossovers on this site. The description of the battle left me on the edge of my seat through it all. The technology you've implemented for the UNSC had made me impressed, given that they are based on current projects in our present day. I know you haven't updated for a long time, giving life's difficulties, but please post an update to see if you're still active.

Have a good day.
- Austin D.
Finrael chapter 10 . 10/3/2018
i really enjoyed this, the space battle had me on the edge of my seat
Cullen Walsh chapter 3 . 4/6/2018
You gone Fuck it up. AU yes but you truck the UNSC only ship to ship way to come out on top and went no no no you don't get 600t you get 100t slug. You have killed the UNSC for the start of is Which gift's star wars plot amror from start to end.
Daisy-023 chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
Nice story, very well written. After reading the whole thing I can say I like it a lot. However, despite certain tech (either canon or stuff you came up with for the story) making a lot of sense, such as the somewhat more sensible MAC yields (64 kilotons in canon, pff... looks like Nylund missed a few zeros), there are some things that made me raise an eyebrow or two.

1. Archer missiles being nuclear: not bagging your story, but in canon Archers were high-explosive missiles, packing that much nuclear ordinance onto a single ship is just ridiculous; nukes, even in the Halo universe, are simply too expensive and strategically valuable to be used like that.
2. MJOLNIR suit thrusters: as someone who has played Halo 5 and found the "enhanced mobility" to be awkward to use and largely pointless with the exception of clamber, I honestly don't get the point of the thrusters in this story. While they make sense for maneuvering better in zero gravity, using them to dodge enemy fire, something that a Spartan shouldn't even need thrusters for, in a tight corridor aboard an enemy warship is a bad idea, considering the lack of space.

Well, that's my piece said. Good luck with the rest of the story.
Karl Fendrik Davidsen chapter 10 . 3/6/2018
Plz Update X3
required chapter 10 . 9/10/2017
Great story, I hope you decide to continue it
unknown chapter 10 . 6/12/2017
too bad this story is abandoned like a direlect ship in space
AlexielBlack chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
can read. star wars shields arnt ment for projectile weapons. a MAC round would tear threw a Star Destroyer. Thats the problem with star wars, they are so use to laser an plasma fire that all their sheild and defences are only effective agaist said lasers. Changeing the sheild dinamic of the star wars universe changes everything
Bob chapter 10 . 4/22/2017
Nice story
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