Reviews for An Avengers Christmas
MajesticTaySlime chapter 7 . 6/1/2019
I honestly really love this string of Christmas shenanigans. You write the characters so well, make sure everyone is included in a satisfying way, it really just feels like this would happen in one of the movies. Or be a movie on its own. It should! I know as a bit if a writer myself that inspiration and will is hard to come by, but know that I will definitely be following this story and anxiously awaiting the next chapter! Thank you for this great service. I hope to read from you again soon!
MajesticTaySlime chapter 5 . 6/1/2019
That was cute! I like how you included Betty, no one ever talks about her. Very well done!
megtries chapter 7 . 12/26/2017
I love this so much! it's been so long since you updated! they're all so in character and it's written so well! please continue!
Highrise148 chapter 4 . 8/13/2015
My favorite line was "Long story short I bought the company and your ornaments shoul be here by next week."
Arya Tremaine chapter 7 . 6/9/2015
Thor makes an amazing Santa. No one else has the voice.
Arya Tremaine chapter 6 . 6/9/2015
I love how you write. It just like oulls me in and won't let me escape. And I really need to pee at the moment!
Arya Tremaine chapter 5 . 6/9/2015
I would totally eat tacos around Christmastime. My brothers insisted we had tamales last year. They're such chumps.
Arya Tremaine chapter 4 . 6/9/2015
Haha! The Charlie Brown Christmas tree... and buying a company. This is such a Stark story. You are really funny.
Arya Tremaine chapter 3 . 6/9/2015
Aw, I love dolls. But that sounds demonic, and terrible, and possesed.
Arya Tremaine chapter 2 . 6/9/2015
Sorry for the review so late, not even sure if you got this but I am loving this story so far. How refreshing to findma good Avengers Christmas story.
DancingKitKat chapter 7 . 12/22/2014
This was fantastic! Thor made an excellent Santa, and I can hardly believe Tony came up with the idea. This was a really cute chapter. :)
DancingKitKat chapter 6 . 12/22/2014
I wonder what Tony has planned...
DancingKitKat chapter 5 . 12/18/2014
Too bad Betty can't visit Bruce (I don't ship Bruce and Betty, but I want Bruce to be happy). Maybe she was bluffing, and is planning on surprising Bruce?

I can't wait to see Tony interact with Pepper's family. He's going to hate it ehehehe.
DancingKitKat chapter 4 . 12/16/2014
I love Thor in this. I kinda just wanna hug him to death.

Favorite part? I couldn't pick. Maybe when Tony hugged Pepper to keep her from organizing the tree? I just love when they hug each other.
DancingKitKat chapter 3 . 12/16/2014
The scary Santa doll really made me giggle. :)
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