Reviews for Rescue Mission
Roxasolina Lombardi chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
Sorry for my language but
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! I like Authoress :-( anyway, is this story complete? If not... I'll be watching it...
starry.eyed.kiddo chapter 5 . 1/2/2014
Oh my gosh, love this so much! Can I do a similar story line except it's in the future and it's Disney?
starry.eyed.kiddo chapter 7 . 11/28/2013
Happy Thanksgivikah! Hannukah and Thanksgiving are on the same day. Well, Hannukah starts on Thanksgiving anyways...
starry.eyed.kiddo chapter 4 . 11/28/2013
Oh, you know me well. I'd probably say that if I was with them and everyone was gone. But, I'm fairly sure he couldn't handle the awesomeness of Kirby!...Or he'd just look at me funny. Oh well. Keep up the good work.
kinglerking274 chapter 4 . 11/20/2013
MWAHAHAHA! Ahem. I mean, hooray! Demonic Spark in the trees!

Also, I love the footnotes. They're a nice way to explain some things without breaking up the action at all. Good job. I hope you update again soon.
DarkX chapter 3 . 7/5/2013
This fic is amazing so far! Update soon, PLEASE!? Okay, thanks! :)
Shappo chapter 1 . 3/8/2013
I changed my pen name to "Shappo The Ring Leader" so I guess I should be known as Shappo now? (I don't know if the change is seen yet though).

-Previously called I Love Banana Dolphins
Irken Bell chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
ERMAGERD! Y U SO EPIC MAH BUD!? ( gives you hug ) SQUEE!
Invader Bell chapter 3 . 1/16/2013
Awesome! I can't wait until next part! When will Emily be in? Seeya at Skool tomorrow!
XxDrMcCoyxX chapter 3 . 1/13/2013
So far, this is a great story, and the characters are fun to read about. Keep up the great work, Shadow!
kinglerking274 chapter 3 . 1/13/2013
Looks good, looks good. It's an interesting read, and that's a great thing to me. Maybe even the most important thing. You're doing well, Shadow!
Draconis Kitten Sweetie chapter 3 . 12/15/2012
Ahahaha, nice author's note at the beginning. Glad to have everything explained. X3 And I'm glad I managed to be mentioned! Makes me happy!

Ahahaha, you had me believing Jade would end up as Lucario! I was wrong... XD Obviously... But I seriously love the transformation scenes. I half-expected her to become a full PIkachu, but that didn't hap[pen. I like how she's a human-chu though, it's really cool!

Again, I enjoy the author thing. It's really kind of cool to think about. And I'm looking forward to seeing what all the others have to yell out, how it went from Melee to Brawl to just regular. OOOH! EPIPHANY! I bet it's determined from which game they come from! I totally got it now. Wow. I'm slow. XD

Though I did find an error or two I'd like to point out...

-as they went through the park."- You need to take the " off the end of park because it's not dialogue. And then at the end you misspelled question. But that's all I can see! I found this chapter to be a bit of an improvement to an already good story!

And I like how Molly has to find Sam from last chapter. It's cool how you're connecting them all.

Good luck with the rest! I'll be here!

Alexis-and-Zuly chapter 2 . 12/14/2012
*CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP!* YES! I LOVE THIS! AND ZULYYY! *Glomps* Youre not an evil insane bLitch anymore! Oh and Zulys going to Mexico today! damn it! . I havent been able to get a hold of her cuz my mom moved in! A lot of work *Exhausted sigh* Anyways! thanks for updating, I know this is a huge pain, especially with writers block, *looks at my unfinished stories* ._. later Thanks! I hope to see the next chapter soon! _ *Brofist*
*gives you molten cake*
Alexis-and-Zuly chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
I cant believe I forgot to review! *Epic face palm* Hahaha! Anyways! Im loving this shiznit :D
(ノヮ)ノ Thanks for letting us be OCs!
Draconis Kitten Sweetie chapter 2 . 12/14/2012
Argh, questiiiiiions.

Why, WHY would they give their names to the crazy, pupil-less girl trying to kill them? Just... Doesn't make sense. You'd think after she said she'd go in alphabetical order they'd be like "Uhhhh... No."

And how did they know to scream Melee and Brawl? It's cool, that they did, but why would they yell that in their time of need? Wouldn't that be a bit out of the ordinary?

And when they're leaving, wouldn't they be a bit freaked out after psycho girl attacked them when another random chick comes outta nowhere? I don't know your characters better than you, but I'm pretty sure most people would be a bit freaked out.

How'd they know they had to go somewhere when Alexis appeared? For all they know, they could be her new guide around their universes or they could be being told a prophecy or something. Unless they were told before that they're 'chosen', then it'd probably make more sense if Alexis told them they had to go somewhere. And overall, you might need a bit more detail in the story. It's good and I can imagine it, but just overall it seems lacking in detail.

Okay, sorry I was just so... Annoying... And I probably sounded kinda mean... But I really liked when they vanished into those towers and transformed! I liked the detail in those, and it felt like you could see them in your head! It's really cool so far and very unique; it's not something I've ever read.

And by the way, I think this story needs more love. I can't believe I'm the first to review. I feel honoured. X3

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