Reviews for I Never Thought!
Rudolf chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
Beautiful! i love this fanfiction and i wish Z and Steve get along
guest chapter 13 . 3/16/2014
Tbh, the beginning was great... but the end kinda seemed rushed.. but, still think your an awsome write! Nice work
HTRobsessed chapter 13 . 3/9/2014
Well duh! What kind of question is that? Of course we want a new story!
Ashley Scarlet chapter 13 . 3/8/2014
Hey girlie! It's so great to hear from you again! Thanks for the review on my story! Why is the PM feature on your account turned off?
Anyways, I haven't seen Dhoom 3! Ugh, I feel so terrible! I am basically the sorriest excuse for a desi person there is. I've barely seen any Bollywood movies, I haven't even seen Kuch Kuch Hota Hain!
Thanks for the book recommendations. I've got The Selection on hold at my library, but I haven't gotten to read it yet! The summary reminds of a book I read called "The Princess Academy", not exactly the best book I've ever read, but based on your recommendation, I hope "The Selection" will be better! I've never heard of The Elite, but I'll be sure to check it out now! I've kinda ceased writing fanfics for now, too much homework and so little time. I'm going to high school next year! And I'm getting a LOT of anxiety! What's been up with you?
Stay Classy Darling AKA The Coolest Desi Writer I know
Pakistani girl is out! PEACE!
random person chapter 12 . 7/13/2013
Hiiii it was good r u going to be putting like a epilogue or something ? Lol. I must say I have never read a how to rock story which consists Indian stuff so being the fellow Indian tht I am I salute u looool ;) anyways update soon :)
max and lulu for chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
the story is pretty good so far but don't you think there a little young to be doctors
misskikimarie chapter 12 . 7/4/2013
If I'm being perfectly honest, this ending seemed very rushed. It was short, and there were very little true surprises. There was no suspense with the wedding, and it seemed like everything just kind of fell into place with no actual difficulty. Katrina's parents weren't even mad at her for what she did, nor was Zander very hurt. Everyone just kind of left, and then Zander suddenly shows up while some guy is confessing to Stevie? Also, all of the thoughts in all capitals are sort of annoying. I really did enjoy all of the previous chapters, but I feel like this chapter didn't have much effort or anything. Please don't be offended or anything. This just didn't seem like the most creative chapter, but I'm sure that some people probably really enjoyed it. This is just my opinion.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
More. More. More. More. More. More!
Guest chapter 11 . 5/29/2013
More please one of the best zevie stories out there! Zevie forever!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/22/2013
You got the names from house of Anubis I love that show
GCKS fan chapter 11 . 4/8/2013
Really nice! Didnt know you were Indian!
Shalini S chapter 1 . 3/31/2013
1. I guess that they will break up
2. Yes
3. No to sure!
Love Bug chapter 1 . 3/27/2013
misscakerella chapter 11 . 3/26/2013
Yay! You updated! Loved this chapter darling, and I would love to see a new Zevie story from you. Update ASAP.
Ashley Scarlet chapter 11 . 3/26/2013
I love how you used your knowledge of the Indian culture in this chapter! Although I'm Pakistani, I understood most of the things you said. It is so cool knowing another desi author on fanfiction. Anyway, thank you for the AmAzInG chapter! I'm guess you know Hindi, which according to my parent, is basically the same as Urdu (my native language) except for the writing. I'll be super sad when this story is over! Just remember, ALL IZZ WELL! Or as we say in Hindi/Urdu: sab kuch sahi hain.
Pakistani Girl is out! PEACE!
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