Reviews for Your Lie
Red Raven Quarrells chapter 7 . 8/13/2015
You said three story's I have read the first and second and am wondering about the third
AustralianRanger012 chapter 7 . 12/15/2013
I'm going to go read part 2 right now!
Janechen88 chapter 7 . 4/3/2013
Thumbs up! Geat story. Really want to know where this story ends.
So update soon please! Can't wait much longer ;)
Guest chapter 7 . 4/1/2013
aaaahhhh im sooo sorry about that blank review! complete accident!
anyway this story is amazing! i don't know if you'll still writing it but i'll be REALLY sad if u give up on something so good :( look forward to your update! :)
Guest chapter 7 . 4/1/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
Anise Nadiah chapter 7 . 1/28/2013
That is truly a wonderful story and the angst, It's delicious! (omg, that's sound totally wrong isn't it? but i like it lol). I love the friendship that you done here between barton and tony. Hope you're are planning on doing a sequel to this with Clint whump? that really will do me justice as I'm now falling in love with your fic. I feel a little bit sorry for pepper, hope tony can forgive her coz i think it's not entirely her fault coz no one can resist the charm that is clint barton anyway lol xD from now on, I'm gonna put you on author alert and hope it's not that long till you decide to continue this. And thank you for such a wonderful story.
Brown hair and eyes chapter 7 . 1/27/2013
Wow. Just Wow. Talk about Cliffhangers. Next bit please?
Elcee chapter 7 . 1/26/2013
Fantastic story! Loving it heaps :)
Wolfjackle chapter 7 . 1/22/2013
This is a good story. I love what you've done with the characters. One thing you should watch out for while writing, though, is your homophones. I've seen several instances where you mixed them up (are/our, vile/vial, consoled/consult, ect.) A lot of those have very different meanings, and I've definitely had to pause to reread what you wrote.

Take a look at that, and you'll be good. Otherwise, thanks for writing! I look forward to seeing what happens next.
discordchick chapter 7 . 1/12/2013
Oh my gosh! Ahhhh! What a twist, fantastic. You are so good at keeping me wanting more. I wonder what swift means about using him as a test subject...whats special about his brain? I hope they dont mean to control him like Loki did. That would mess up Clint's mind and give him a much bigger suicidal guilt complex. I can see Pepper coming back when she hears that Clint has gone missing, being all worried, and that hurts Tony to no end, so Natasha decks her. Oh heck yes. And you know happy clintasha makes me. Do your thing!
Syntyche chapter 7 . 1/12/2013
W000000000000t naked Clint! Naked, dripping, damp-haired Clint.


Um, I totally lost my train of thought... I think it was something like POST THE NEXT PART NOW! Like maybe a little Naked Test Subject Clint for Syn? XD
Lexicon04 chapter 7 . 1/11/2013
... I thought Clint was going to die at the end of this story :o
Dsgdiva chapter 7 . 1/9/2013
So glad you expanded it past a one-shot. Can't wait for the next part. Good luck with school.
Hawaiichick chapter 7 . 1/9/2013
Whoa...what an ending. I knew Clint couldn't get away that easy! Poor guy never has a smooth road. (And that's why I love Clint centric stories so much! :) Eagerly waiting for the next chapter.
Missy92 chapter 7 . 1/9/2013
OMG OMG OMG please update soon you left off on a really good part
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