Reviews for And Blood And Wine Were On His Hands
Guest chapter 4 . 10/23/2015
Update please
LouiseKurylo chapter 2 . 7/8/2015
Two shocking, brutal murders with a message directed at the SCU team (and Jane in particular). Viscerally effective scene.
LouiseKurylo chapter 4 . 7/8/2015
Brilliant beginning, likely never to be completed. My loss. Thanks for writing as much as you did.
LouiseKurylo chapter 3 . 7/8/2015
The crows are disturbing. Wonder if they have significance beyond their mere presence.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
hello! I do not want to pressure you. But I'd love to read the end of this story. Do not forget us, please! Thank you!
EmiQvW chapter 4 . 12/5/2013
I know you don't want to be pushed, but please, please update soon. This is icredibly captivating and exciting. So well written and the idea alone is really great. The question if Jane was/is still drinking Bella Donna tea is something that annoyed me at the show. But that you continued it is great as well.

Anyway, I hope you will update this. And please ignore my mistakes 'cause 1. my phone hates me and 2. I'm from Germany :)

So, again, incredible story so far!
Lothlorien Aeterna chapter 4 . 4/26/2013
Oh my God! I love this so much! It's so intriguing. Can't wait for the next update :)
Guest chapter 4 . 4/14/2013
I thought that was great. So happy for the update. This is definitely one of the most captivating fics I have ever read. Just a tiny critique, which is that Lisbon is in Portugal. Unless there is also a place named that in Spain. In which case I apologise for my comment.
Ligya M chapter 4 . 4/14/2013
Lisbon is in Portugal!
renegade05 chapter 4 . 4/14/2013
Pretend i wrote a review for the previous three chapters. this story blows my mind. just when i think it will zig it zags. pure genius. i even get scared like if i was watching a horror movie. *apply review to the previous chapters.
Shazzie chapter 4 . 4/13/2013
This is so good! :) :)
Guest chapter 4 . 4/12/2013
So glad you updated. I was only thinking of this fic the other day and how much I was looking forward to the next chapter. Great work, can't wait to see what you have planned for chapter 5
maru chapter 4 . 4/12/2013
me gusta el cap, gracias y una cosa lisbon queda en portugal
lollierocks chapter 4 . 4/12/2013
i need more ! xx its so good
MargieFos chapter 1 . 3/13/2013
Please update soon! I love this!
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