Reviews for Stormchild
GrAdmThrwn chapter 2 . 3/15/2017
I am following you, your story, your dog and anything else associated with you.

I literally created an account to say this. 23 hours and 55 minutes before I can PM you to provide properly convey how much I admire your literary talent.

All 11 Chapters of this story are amazing work. I understand that you stopped some time ago, but if you still exist, I look forward to talking literature with you.
fin x marcy chapter 11 . 9/3/2014
get fin and marcy dateing
TheLazlow chapter 9 . 10/6/2013
"You welcome, bitches!", I laughed so hard at that. Well done, a great price of writing.


TimbukTurnip chapter 11 . 7/4/2013
I fear this story may be slowly getting off track and being a bit dragged out - at first it was about Marceline's emotional troubles and Finn helping her through them, then the character that wants to destroy all life everywhere has returned, and now a character with an immense and deep hatred for the main characters has appeared. That said however, these new troubles have been added in rather well, and the story is still plenty enjoyable.
Trasgo Madaraz Artifex chapter 11 . 6/18/2013
Long time no see
Sun light, Fire, claws and fangs (or bones and such) osf supernatural beings. are the most damaging things a vampire could feel. so, for now They have a very good way with most of those things, the only one left being the sun.
I think the demon blood sword it's more powerful than most of the people think. seriously, cuting trougth the Nigthosphere amulet's transformation? that some serious business. and they haven't used it against the Lich, so they must be saving it for the last encounter.

Enough of my rantings.
It's good to read about you again, so read'ya later
Chimichanga558 chapter 11 . 6/8/2013
How can you not trust yourself with OCs?! You do them so well! D: I've read what has got to be over 3/4 of the AT fanfics on this site (I'm truly addicted...) and you are by far my favorite when it comes to characters. Both OC and keeping the current characters in line with the show. And Malus in particular is absolutely incredible. His thoughts not only scream he's a monster but make it more than obvious that his intentions are not just of revenge, but clearly out of love, or perhaps what he perceived as love. His character truly terrifies me, and while reading his monologue in this last chapter my heart was racing all the way. His words sting with hatred, it's stunning to say the least
BeyondtheDarkside101 chapter 11 . 6/5/2013
This is amazing, and I've liked the way you've created so much tension throughout. As well as making it feel almost like an episode from Adventure Time. With the language and the amusing side notes (such as Gunter's bravery in preventing the Ice King from creating a monstrosity!)
Just curious to know if there will be any interactions between Hunson and the Malus, I think that would be fairly cool, as would Malus v the Lich. I suspect you have that planned though.
Looking forward to the rest of it. You're awesome.
Peace out dude.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/30/2013
I don't like the marceline and pb thing. It just seems awkward. But other than that great story. Also marceline seems bipolar
Patrat7777 chapter 11 . 5/24/2013
Omg absolutley fan tast ic acant wait for next one
The Nephilim King Michael chapter 11 . 5/24/2013
Great job on ch and glad your back dude. And its great that Marceline feels awesome round finn after breaking mental hold. And can't wait to see what stuff they get when they go shopping next ch. And you did great to include as well as talk about malus in this ch.
He23t chapter 11 . 5/24/2013
well that took long enough because this is really mysterios

Glad your back
April7000222 chapter 10 . 5/3/2013
This story is awesome! :D Update soon. It's starting to get extremely interesting.
whispers-into-the-void chapter 10 . 4/28/2013
Guest chapter 3 . 4/21/2013
Anyone else notice that dildo reference in chapter two?
Glenn Leider chapter 10 . 4/16/2013
Wow. This is something Marceline would NEVER have done on TV. $# ! (sorry!) Malus...
Besides, Ice King - as Simon - has more in common with Marcy than anybody else does
- including her own father, Bonnibel, and Finn. I hope Finn can wean Malus out of her soon.
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