Reviews for Til Kingdom Come
Penelope Applegate chapter 30 . 7/18
So. I (Anon.) finally decided to stop being lazy and log in, even though I haven’t done so in ages. I think COVID-19 amplified the “I need to escape” feeling, and what better way than finding out how the story of our favorite characters continued on after the movie?

I think you beautifully and masterfully portrayed what love really means... that sometimes it starts out as an obsession and a deep and terrible need to be together. But true, lasting love that never dies is much less controlling, possessive, and needy. You learn to be okay apart, and that’s how you learn to accept the other exactly as they are.

Anyway. Well done. And thank you so much for sharing this gem with the FanFic world.
Anon chapter 21 . 7/17
Been hospitalized myself, twice for two weeks each time.

Definitely lifesaving.
Anon chapter 16 . 7/17
Don’t doubt your writing. Maybe not everyone will appreciate your talent and skill. That’s okay. You don’t have to be loved by everyone.

But you DO have talent. You are an amazing storyteller. Just so you know.
Anon chapter 13 . 7/17
I am appreciating the research you did on Afghanistan.

Arthur’s story is heart breaking and consuming.
S chapter 30 . 4/1/2015
I liked this fanfic. He is great! The only thing I am somewhat disappointed it features the character of Arthur. He became weaker. I understand that it is very difficult after all he's been through a lot. But before he stood out more because of its incredibly resistant nature. He was a defender. Now Ariadne took on this role. And it's weird for me because I like to see Arthur caring and protecting her again. Anyway, i like this fanfic so much! Thank you for it!
alliwant chapter 30 . 3/21/2015
I love this story and so thrilled to have you continue the adventures of Ari and Arthur after the events of To Lose My Life. I was so heartbroken at the end of that fic and so glad to see that you decided to continue into a sequel. Reading this fic was difficult because of all the mental hardships that both Ari and Arthur had to face to get to the point to where they were at the end of this fic. This story was extremely dark and dreary, but it truly captures how hard it is to heal and live after going through trauma. I loved watching the development and evolution of Ari and Arthur's relationship in this. Just like how Ari was clinging to the Old Arthur to get back in the beginning, I was clinging onto the hope that I would see Ari and Arthur back into how their relationship used to be. I'm glad you chose a different route for them, since Arthur had definitely changed and therefore, the dynamics of their relationship has changed. It was a beautiful development and it's great that they could come together in a different manner this time to suit the people they are now and not the people they used to be. It captures the growth of any relationship in real life - people grow and change and relationship are constantly being redefined. A beautiful beautiful evolution of their relationship and I just couldn't be happier about how things ended.
Bem3373 chapter 30 . 4/17/2014
Wow. This story was a roller coaster for me. I really enjoyed it- it was addicting and enticing, but it also was a very hard read. Not hard in the techniques, but hard in the plot. I cried reading each and every chapter. Although I realize that it had a happy ending, I still feel sad because the spark that the two held in the first story was gone. This is in no way a critique of your writings because I really enjoyed both of them, but I really missed the banter and love between Ariadne and Arthur. The way it ended sounded almost like they settled because of who Arthur used to be. Although I love that they married and settled together, I still felt sad because they had lost that spark of jokes and flirting. You definitely did well as calling this story a tragedy because I don't think that it can be honestly called anything else. You did a great job, and I really hope that I can read more from you soon.
Guest chapter 30 . 12/29/2013
I cannot express how much this story has changed me. This is by far the best story I've ever read, fanfiction or novelor otherwise. I hope you are proud of what you have created and keep writing in the future. Your story took me through so many feelings and questions about what it means to be a friend, a lover, a relative and especially what it means to live life. You've done this beautifully and even have kept the characters and details very extensive and believable. I doubt I will ever see my life the same after this and I mean it. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing. I have enjoyed it to the fullest.
P0nyb0y chapter 30 . 11/30/2013
This was an amazing story. I honestly don't know what else to say. Every time a new chapter came out I would stop whatever I was doing and sit down to read it. Your writing never fails to put a smile on my face. :)
Amelia-Rose chapter 30 . 11/12/2013
Great and sad to see this fic end. Thanks for gracing us with this. It's been great to read.
Lauraa-x chapter 30 . 11/10/2013
This chapter filled in all the missing details from the last chapter. I really liked the dedication messages in Micah's book. After all they've been through, I'm really happy they ended up together, even though they might not be the same people as they were at the beginning. They were truely meant for each other!
I've really enjoyed reading this, it's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride. But I'm glad we've reach the end. Thank you for your time and dedication to this fic and 'To lose my life'. You've done a superb job on them! xx
cinematherapy chapter 30 . 11/10/2013
'Ariadne Grace', that is a beautiful name! Loved that through everything that Arthur and Ariadne ended up together and Arthur got a new totem. This was a long and wonderful fic you did a great job!
Shoyzz chapter 29 . 10/29/2013
AWWW SOOO CUTEEEEE! And they are togetherrrrr YAAAAAAYYY
Awesome chapterr! Keep it up!
Knuckiducki chapter 29 . 10/28/2013
Hey there, sorry for the late review. University, you know?

Just wanted to say that I lved the last two chapters, as always. And finally some sort of happy end, even if their stuation really is a little f***ed up. I mean, first of all; Do her parens even know shes married? Or that Arthur is alive? Would be a little weird, especially if they really had kids... allthough that would be a complicated matter, since they dont even live together properly. Like Homer said, its a little sad. But a happy ending with a sugar coat on top wouldnt have fit in either.

Can Ari even still work as an architect in New York, since that job keeps her busy and she has to visit her husband every once in a while.

At least Arthur seems to be kind of alright, seems logical that he still needs meds and stuff, after all what happened.

Im curious what your epilogue will be, if she actually manages to escape that world one day and so on... Cant wait!
Renndude chapter 29 . 10/28/2013
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