Reviews for Baby it's Cold Outside
LamarLaver chapter 1 . 6/11/2014
Love this so much you really know how write a good one shot
marisadaniel13 chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
This story literally had me fangirling so much! Especially the ending ;) haha, I loved how Andre's dad was like "That's my boy!"
Great job! :)
Lover of Reid chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
That was great. Shorthand sweet. Do you have any others?
jjohnson612 chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
I was not expecting that ending but it literally had me "LOL," especially when Andre's dad sad "That's my boy!" Great job on this one shot! I hope to see more Tandre fics from you!
pigwiz chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
WOO HOO! Victorious! (never seen it...) What a massively awesome fic! (did read it, didn't get it) But... (yup, there's an ellipse)


'Look there... to the north, in the distance' She commanded.

The generals looked, and paled at the sight. 'It's a tornado!' one of them cried...

'No... no, it's not.' She murmured to herself through a smile, 'It's an old friend, doing what he does...' she continued while nudging Lucy forward.
Invader Johnny chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
Heh heh heh oh what a great Tandre fic, Andre you lucky bastard.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.