Reviews for The Hero Girl Named Fionna
Nightmare in your dreams chapter 9 . 1/27/2018
1 sentence. you know teh way
pajamabending chapter 9 . 5/28/2015
Ohhh my goodness! I have waited for this chapter for the longest time, but when a new (more busy than ever) school year came I forgot to check more often, but I'm so glad I remembered! Honestly, this fic is my absolute favorite throughout everything I've read about the gender swap AU. The characters are realistically accurate, your dialogue corresponds with the actual show's without being too childish, and the plot for each story you've dreamed up, along with how you've developed Fionna and Marshall Lee's relationship is phenomenal! I do hope you choose to post again, I'll literally wait until I die, this fic is so good.
Sailor Nibaru chapter 9 . 9/4/2014
Ooh, this is a good chapter. I really enjoyed reading it, everything was described so well, I can't wait for the next chapter! 'w'
NoOnis chapter 9 . 8/17/2014
It was freaking awesome! I'm so excited and I want more! I love this fanfiction so much, please continue it, I hope won't take too long to update :3
See ya!
Senor Paco chapter 9 . 8/9/2014
Update soon I love this story!
Nom de Plume chapter 7 . 8/8/2014
First off, I would like to say that I am absolutely... APPALLED at the amount of reviews this story is getting - it should be at least 10x that amount, even 5x would be an AT LEAST. I kid you not, I've read all kinds of quality-type fictions on here from too many different fandoms and this is definitely up there. I can only explain it away by the fact that the writing fan-base for Adventure Time is still growing and hence, have some catching up to do.

Now where should I begin. Usually I don't review until I get to the end of the most recent chapter but because you haven't updated for a while and not knowing -when- you will, I knew I was going to have re-read the latest chapter anyway - which is why I stopped here. Frankly, it takes me forever to get through one chapter alone and that is not because of the long length but more because I just get so enraptured by how you've characterized these people and their interactions that I just have to stop and re-read your sentences, over and over again. I cannot believe you wrote ALL of this from just the first 2-second glimpse of Marshall Lee. If you had not said that, I would not have been able to tell AT. ALL. Now that you have seen the other episode by now ("Bad Little Boy"), I can only imagine what differences it would make. Probably glorious ones (or none).

The only difference I can find between this Marshall Lee and the one on the show is yours definitely has a more mature and 'ancient' air about him. Don't get me wrong, your Marshall Lee still teases and makes jokes and talks like a bro but I can easily imagine that behind the scenes (that they will probably never show on the real show), that this is the side he actually hides. A world-weary dude who has seen way too much before, during, and now after. It makes sense and it's very believable. Even for someone who pulls pranks all the time HAS to have some kind of baggage of cynicism and weariness with them - particularly ones who have lived [that] long.

I actually had a whole mental list of points I wanted to say (praise about) but now that I have woken up... I will just have to free-style it. I love, love how you have expanded upon the thoughts of all the characters - it's not limited to just one perspective and even better is, well - it's obvious you've done a careful character study of all of them and for readers like moi, that is a very MUCH appreciated quality in writers.

You really have no need to apologize for the lack of FioLee 'romance.' I always find that rushed romances are the worst romances, in fantasy and in real life. And with these two's kind of background? I think the both of us already know that there can be no rushing in that - there are a lot of differences and obstacles that need to be overcome. So, please, PLEASE take your time. And no more sorries! It's the climb that is the sweetest, anything after that is kind of anti-climatic - what a cruel thing to say perhaps but that is just my opinion, of course. You've already given us a slight smoke signal anyways (the awakening of their awareness of the other's physical appearance is one thing), so I'll say that's a pretty realistic start.

But enough with that. What else was I going to say now... Oh yes, I really enjoyed that brief conversation between Marshall Lee and Gumball about the Flame Prince. It shows an underlying understanding between the two that they usually don't show publicly to others. And it is at times like these that make Gumball seem to be much older than he really is (or wait... I actually am not sure how long he's been alive..). His opinion on Fionna's male preferences.. (and indirectly, on her past crush for him) was a bit brutal, even if it was not meant for her ears. And it was right there that we see how he views her, more of like a child or a childish friend. (Of course there are probably better qualities he admires about her, too, but we won't go there right now.)

Because this isn't strictly about the romance of FioLee, this is what gives you more reign to cover in your story - you talk about the war, the human generation, what Marshall thought about them, and even some of his origin. Funnily enough, I never thought about the possibility of him being part human. It was strange enough to see how a demon could become a vampire (since both are so similar) but for him to be part human, hm, interesting touch. And here I see you talking about 'other' vampires out there - it is true what Fionna says, that she hadn't seen any others (yet) but I never really crossed that possibility about because Marshall Lee's title is after all, the Vampire King - I would assume he has to have some kind of kingdom of... vampires to rule over, no? Or there could be other explanations, who knows. A king without a kingdom, now that's a thought.

Another thing I like is how you are astute enough to touch on the side of Marshall Lee that some writers don't care to extrapolate on - or just plain, forgot. Like what happens if he sees blood? The show may not display those reactions, for reason being that its main game is lightheartedness but that scene where his eyes grew dark - that was a bit chilling and a good reminder for people of what his 'species' is capable of and is actively controlling. Even that seemingly minor detail of how he just naturally floats was interesting. I never once thought of how hard it would be for him to stay down on the ground since my canon-idea of him is that he alternates between the two.

But alas, I won't bore you anymore by re-typing your whole story to you. I hope you have not abandoned this story! A lot of interesting episodes have happened since the last time you updated, especially with Finn's appearance of his parent.. which I do not know if you will ever touch upon in this world but really, you never disappoint with any of your updates!
Princess Flare the Fox chapter 8 . 4/2/2014
Nice job. Love it :)
MidnaRocks1000 chapter 8 . 1/21/2014
This fan fiction is so INTELLIGENTLY WRITTEN! Normally the authors can't get anything but the ship written correctly, with the correct personalities, nor do they use good grammar or tasteful word choice. This is so refreshing to read. And adorable. :3
1DMustDie chapter 8 . 1/8/2014
It ends, I'm all like "KISS ALREADY!"
Yeah I really, really, really like fiolee . hee hee and I ain't afraid to show it! No, but seriously, my friends think I'm weird for liking a cartoon character. They're like "Marshall lee isn't even real!" but I still love him x) and Fiolee is the best, lol. Anyway, I love this, I love you, and yeah, PEACE!
Thegreeneyes67 chapter 8 . 12/31/2013
Hehe cuteness in every story!
ARTGirl99 chapter 8 . 12/31/2013
Love where you're going with this! Can't wait till the next chapter! :)
MidnaRocks1000 chapter 8 . 12/30/2013
I really love this fan fiction. A lot of them aren't too good because the authors don't think about the characters very much and just provide fan service, but I like how you're building everything. I can't imagine Fiolee just happening either. Thank you so much and I really hope you continue to write this one. .
Darkchamber chapter 7 . 11/9/2013
Man I Love this story. Please continue soon
Guest chapter 7 . 9/20/2013
Hello- I love the way you write- the pace, the details chosen, it's just so beautiful. :3 i hope you update really soon. Your writing is algebraic!
ninjabuuu chapter 7 . 9/14/2013
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