Reviews for The Tale of Foggybog the Frippilous Wiggle
Ceara Einin chapter 1 . 4/20/2016
Okay, can I just say that I loved this the first time I read it, but I love it even more each time I come back to it. It's so in canon and in character that it makes me want to sob with joy, and I don't do that often. I was rereading TSC the other day, and I kept looking for the tale of Foggybog the Frippilous Wiggle. Took me the better part of an hour to realize it was actually on , and I'd read it as a story on here. It fits so well it's literally part of my head canon for TSC now. Well done, perfection, amazing, all those kinds of compliments!

February Breeze chapter 1 . 10/6/2015
Great! Now I'm laughing in public!
Ambidextrous Drummer chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
Typical Marsh-wiggle..
:) :)
Swanwhite2 chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
This is great :) You write all the characters very like themselves. I'm trying to write a script for a short scene with Puddleglum at present, so I've been thinking a lot about what makes his dialogue uniquely him and I've think you've captured it quite well.
Laura Andrews chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
Of course Puddleglum would have told a story or two, and of course the story would be exactly like this one. My only problem is that the ending isn't quite gloomy enough :D A much more instructive (and horrid) ending would have been that the next morning they found his wigwam atop of him and he frozen to death beneath it. But this was a wonderful and hilarious story, and it sets me to thinking that someone should write the story that Puddleglum was going to tell when he was cooking the eel stew, but he didn't because it would get the children's spirits down or something. THAT must have been a really dreadfully sad one :D
Thumbs up!
Saoirse7 chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
Wow. That was great! You were so perfectly in character for all of them, it's amazing. Everything seemed so Wiggle-ish. And it's too funny that Eustace and Jill made up a happy ending for the tale that was supposed to have a sad ending. :)
Heliopause chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
:D I enjoyed this immensely!

Wonderful Puddleglum ("No good, if you ask me" :D ) and a lovely glimpse of Marshwiggle culture in full flight, squashing the frippilosity before it spreads (dangerous stuff, that frippilosity). And good old Jill and Eustace, valiantly struggling against the gloomy tide!
rthstewart chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
Even better on the second read. Your capturing of Eustace's voice was especially well done. I do enjoy how Eustace and Jill take the story away from Puddleglum and give it their own happy ending.

The Marsh-wiggle worldbuilding is great. You've done a wonderful job creating a culture for them and a family life. I know you were worried about Jill not coming out well and I guess I just saw her as so tired and worn out and very relatable. And by the end, she was doing so well with laughing over that absurd dirge-like song and creating a new, happy ending with Eustace for Foggybog.

Thank you and we'll take more of that Marsh wiggle worldbuilding please!
MCH chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
Oh great story and you caught Puddleglum very well. Every society always have a story to tell the younger ones would would happen if you did become a proper adult. Love it and so glad yo posted this.

You made me laugh as I was trying to think of Puddleglum celebrating Christmas.
Gaia was Framed chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
I am left speechless by the hilarity. SPEECHLESS. I am now struggling to write a coherent review...

It used to make me sad that C.S. Lewis never stuffed the Narnia stories with poems and extra tales, like J.R.R. Tolkien did in The Hobbit and LotR, but then I discovered Narnia fanfic and it hit me: he left it out so WE could fill it in ourselves! Thank you very much, C.S...

Your story is a perfect example of this, probably the best I have read. It is exactly the type of folktale the Marshwiggles would pass on. I never realized that Puddleglum must have been such an entertaining storyteller until I read this amazing little story. But everything he said, down to the little asides and commentary, could have come right out of The Silver Chair. It told us a lot about the character and his world, as the best stories within stories (the aforementioned LotR yarns, the Canterbury Tales) do.

All in all, it was genius and I'm so glad I read it. Also, Foggybog's song was so hilarious I might have to borrow it sometime. I promise I will give you credit for it and include the link to this story.

Thank you for writing!

WillowDryad chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Heh heh . . . that's too funny. Pole and Scrubb ruined Puddleglum's cautionary tale.

Quite lovely.