Reviews for Cinders
ZipaDeeDooDah chapter 1 . 8/7/2016
This is the third story of yours I've read, I'm really digging your Negitoro stuff. The ending was great.
Poop Benedict chapter 1 . 7/17/2015

But wow I didn't see THAT coming. I'm used to Miku making dumb decisions in Negitoro fics so I'm not really all that upset. This isn't even the dumbest move she's made by a long shot. But stuff like this usually ends with a double suicide so I'm pretty sure Miku would U-turn her hand into her own chest after Luka died.

But who here thinks that Miku did the right thing choosing her family's idiot revenge that accomplished nothing but more pain over happiness with the woman she loves and loves her back? That choice came waaay out of left field for me. But that was the point I guess. Thanks for the fic either way.
Tuba-chan chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
Pfft, ignore that one dumb guest reviewer. This certainly wasn't a waste of time! :3 I must say, your style of writing has this addicting essence to it. I don't know how to put it... Um, it's sort of like having a taste of really fine wine and then needing more and more of that same fine wine until you've become drunk with it. Wow, that was like the dumbest explanation ever, but I suppose I'm 'drunk' on your stories in a sense... I'll stop rambling about wine and addictions to tell you that this was very well written, and deserves more publicity! Keep it up!
Wolf-of-Five-Elements chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
Wow, nicely done. Great job.
The Reality DumPer chapter 1 . 10/3/2013
That felt too short, more like a one-night stand (pun intended XD).
Guh, Luka dies again.
Somehow, I got confused with what happened...
-reads again-
Oh. Luka still dies. Hahaha. The reason: envy of some sort. Or family wars? Hmph.
I should just stop thinking.
It was a good read, btw.
Psykoakuma chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
Punishing the children for the sins of the fathers? That's not very nice.
"Miku felt an unfamiliar stab of something in her heart."
"Luka tried her best to return until she felt pain explode in her chest"
Lots of heart stabbin going on. Have you been spending time with Koishi? Koishi goes stabbity stab!

I was hoping for something a little more unexpected. But Miku followed her orders to the letter. In the end I'm not sure she actually had significant feelings for Luka. Obviously there was a superficial attraction, but not something I would call romance. And definitely nothing strong enough to change fate. Although this was more like fate-ality. Oh god. Joking after all this! I'm sorry Luka! Miku!
qwert232 chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
no :'( i hate it when you make onshots, becouse you write so good I always want to be able to continue reading the story...
stealyourfood chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
Tragedy! Well, Negitoro isn't always happy so i sincerely thank you for giving me my daily dose of angst. Bittersweet endings touch me the most. good job :)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
good story, but could you do a humor based miku/luka story, without any heartbreak? You do great negitoro, so I request a funny one :)
98s chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
uh huh. I know I couldn't hope for happy end if you was the one who write it lol. Fortunately for me, I already prepared about this ending.

Well... good story like always.
cat chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
i love love this story , and its so hurt because Luka is dead ... :( , please keeping this fic
TailFire chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
I really hate when Luka died and Miku live happily after, i mean, ur story is good and all but i think i've seen many authors here decide to torment Luka in lot of stories... Don't understand why though...
T.L.T.S.I.S chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
delish-soup chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
I love it at how you balance the tragedy, emotions with some romance at the end.

Since it's a one-shot, I couldn't ask for more I guess.

Anyway, an enjoyable read. Keep the stories coming, I shall wait for your future updates.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
Welp, that was a waste of time to read. Bunch of angst that led up to nothing.

Thanks for wasting my time.