Reviews for Finally Love
Rose-Aki chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
I liked that you first described the evening in Robbie's point of view. Jealousy was definitely the key for Cat to realize that she has feelings for Robbie.

Jade is such a great friend to Cat, she is caring in her very own way and even when her methods are a little bit special she got Cat to finally admit her feelings for Robbie. Just like Jade to see Robbie and Cat becoming a couple at one point and even making a bet about it with Beck.

Seems like it's only Tori and Andre now who need to get together.
CutesyBunny chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
ROFL, "Never mind, you're in your own Tori world so you missed all the signs." Jade is freaking AWESOME! XD
loved how and re's like "Great, now let's go. I don't know why I let you talk me into spying with you." XD and Jade and Beck's little bet… totally hilarious! Jade… XD
nice oneshot! Yeah, when that episode ended, I was like "No way Dan. You did NOT just freaking do that!" just ask my cousin. She was there lol XD nice work!
CaburpleGiraffe chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
Aww, the feels and the memories!
KeepFaith-SmellApples chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
'Robbie Shapiro was confused' haha what's new?(: Great chapter, should have been more than a one shot!
wemmawriter chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
A nice conclusion to 1000 Berry Balls! And I can hear this story screaming out for a sequel loud and clear!
Cat made it very confusing for Robbie to decipher what her mixed messages actually meant, and you tackled the aftermath well. Very sweet and warm and perfect.
I was happy that you let Robbie have his say about it all and was able to explain the reason why he asked Gabrielle instead. Cat unwittingly pushed him away, so what was he to do really? Teenagers! Lol.
Bless Jade's boldness for telling her straight. And love how Jade and Beck had a side bet going on how long it would take Cabbie to become Cabbie. Tori is a good friend and offers support, but sometimes she really is in her own little Tori world, isn't she?
I'll wait for the Tandre sequel now... sure it won't be far away. Great job once again!
Derek chapter 1 . 12/21/2012
Loved it. Are u going to update hearts a fire anytime soon
CabbieFluffQueen chapter 1 . 12/19/2012
omg i loved this story! sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo cute!333333333
gleekmeg chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
Poor Robbie. Cat really is confusing. Nobody understands until the girls go to talk to her. I'm glad Jade didn't sugar coat anything with Cat. Cat needed a wake-up call or she could have missed her chance with Robbie. Jade did well. :) I love how Cat's terrified over her feelings.
Aww I loved the main scene. Both Robbie and Cat are so confused for different reasons. Although Cat's confusion doesn't last long once she finally admits it. And the scene where they finally get together is of course so romantic, sweet, and tender just as all of your Cabbie is. This scene is definitely one of my new favorites. At the end Jade said exactly what I was thinking after I finished watching this episode (about Tandre).
Anyway, this one-shot is great. It continues on with the story as if the episode never ended. I can picture everything so clearly as if I'm actually watching the rest of the episode. Awesome job!
Dee chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
Awww...I swear I got two cavities from the sweetness...but I'm not complaining!

Okay...favorite parts:
1. When Beck talked about how jealous jade gets
2. When cat wanted to punch a wall... And the grunch! Lol
3. (Most most most fave line) "our hands fit" "they always have" LOVED IT!

And you managed to write a real one shot! Lol

Great job my friend...great job!
SouthernB3lle chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
Took me long enough to review lol. I just loved it! I'm glad Jade finally knocked some sense into Cat! And poor clueless Tori. She misses out on a lot, doesn't she? She needs to learn to keep up. And of course Cat loves you Robbie! She threw a chair at the wall for goodness sakes! Robbie and Cat can be so clueless but it was all good in the end. Kisses and holding hands. The bet. I want to see more of this lol. Now that I have it in your head, write it! Just kidding, you don't have to if you don't want to. But it would be interesting to see. Great job and I love the ending!
CabbieLoverSAC22 chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
This was perfect I loved it update soon.
funkyfifi chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
JEALOUSY! My favourite, and I loved every sentence of it! :) And I loved the fluffiness too. :') Just what the doctor ordered, I can't stop smiling now. :) I loved it! I just have to express my love for Jade right now, I think that she is a fabulous character. Oh and when Cat said: "We're together now" I full on screamed "HALLELUJAH!" and as it is 1:26am here I blame you if I get in trouble for waking up the rest of my family. :P Wonderful writing though. Loved it so much.
MelsGvardo chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
Oh myyyyyy! Too much fluffiness for Mels :3
I loved it! Gawd Jade is always right hahaha favorite part!
Tori and Andre need to finally step their game up with so many couples around! Tandre FTW! Woooohhhh I'm making banners and shirts with "Tandre" on them hahaha :D

Tandre, Tandre, Tandre! :3