Reviews for Después de la Tormenta
LadyHilarity chapter 12 . 12/29/2014
Excellent. Incredibly well written.
anon chapter 5 . 9/14/2014
This whole story is amazing! This is the second time I'm reading it and I still love it - you've done such a great job of capturing the characters and how they speak, act and interact! it's so good! Thanks for sharing this :)
Tchitchina chapter 12 . 12/27/2013
I really enjoyed your story!
ceolwen chapter 6 . 4/29/2013
This is a well-told tale, truly. You do such a good job of weaving the past and the present. I like its plausibility! Greak work!
queenofthestage chapter 12 . 4/10/2013
(i didn't feel like logging in lol)

I thought I was gonna cry when I got the email saying this fic had been updated! This is one of my favorite fics that I have EVER read! You portray them perfectly and it is completely realistic! I am beyond upset that we will never actually get to see them become canon, but this is exactly how I would have wanted it to happen! Thank you for giving me the canon story I will never get!
Lemonie chapter 12 . 4/10/2013
This deserves more reviews than it has; it's really rather good.
ellie chapter 12 . 4/10/2013
OMG! You can't even imagine my surprise when I saw there was an update! I was beginning to think we would have never had a happy ending! And yes, there is still and fandom and it very much needs more Lix/Randall fics.
However, this was utterly perfect. I so love the interaction between Lix and Randall. How much happier and more relaxed they are while fully embracing who they really are finally. There's some sort of resignation in that, but it quite inevitable (don't know if it makes sense).
And I so loved seeing everyone sharing this moment of happiness at Freddie's return (Lix's lines really cracked me up).
But mostly I'm happy these two are together forever, loving each other and not getting married. That's really perfect.
I really hope you'll feel inspired to write more Lix and Randall sooner or later!
Eugenia-Hacy chapter 11 . 3/24/2013
I am a new reader and WOW, best L/R fic out there. Well done! And btw, Spanish is my mother tongue, and you wrote it perfectly ;)
AmandaJ chapter 11 . 2/19/2013
I hope everything is ok. I'm still very much looking forward to the last chapter!
review chapter 11 . 1/23/2013
i want moar!
AmandaJ chapter 11 . 1/20/2013
A dance! A kiss! Once again, this was just brilliant. Very sad that it is almost done.
HS chapter 11 . 1/18/2013
this was deff worth the wait! the kiss! THE KISS! perfect characterization.

hoping for an update!
s-gr-d chapter 11 . 1/17/2013
This is amazing, the characters are so well portrayed and the narrator is very strong. I love the way you have written their backstory and how they both cope with their past and present. Please update it soon, I need more Lix/Randall-ff :)
chelsietea chapter 11 . 1/16/2013
This is brilliant, really. The way you write, the characters' introspection... never OOC, in spite of all. That's how I like it. Good job!
anon chapter 11 . 1/16/2013
L-O-V-E it!
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