Reviews for Sanguine
House-Of-Marcella chapter 2 . 10/22/2017
I am *incredably* late to this story but I just wanted to express to you how spectacular this story actually is. Thank you.
Allie chapter 2 . 7/26/2016
I am sooooooooooooooo confused right now...
Yoruko Rhapsodos chapter 2 . 3/24/2015
Whether it's flushed or pale gamkar redrom is so cute I loved how that turned out in the end.
ChildrenAreMySoulFood chapter 2 . 11/6/2014
(Breaks web browser by adding to favorites too many times)
incurableinsanity chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
I love this way to much for it to be okay; It's written amazingly and I just loved reading it. Nice work :)
Guest chapter 2 . 11/18/2013
Oh my gosh, that was GREAT! This is going to be my headcannon for how Gamzee and Karkat became morails now :0
Sugar Sweet Attack chapter 2 . 10/10/2013
This was so cute!
SilkenRoseDreams chapter 2 . 6/14/2013
This is totally exactly how they became moirails. This is going in my headcanon file right now. It was awesome.
Forgotten Love-Letters chapter 2 . 5/19/2013
Well written /and/ ADORABLE,- in it's own way :3
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 2 . 4/21/2013
This is amazing! I love it!
Maven chapter 2 . 4/19/2013
My god. This is beautiful! The style is flowing and easily readable! There's little to no confusion. The characters are flawlessly personified. The behavior, perfect! Really, I hope this continues. I absolutely adore this story.
Master of the Hellish Yard chapter 2 . 4/12/2013
Dear Azzandra:

This fic is absolutely adorable. Beautiful, playing so well on troll terms and customs... You've done an amazing job. Especially your insight into Gamzee. You've got one of the most IC Gamzees I've seen that still seems like an actual person/troll. And though Karkat is a bit more emotional, it's because we're seeing inside, and he's with Gamzee, and only Gamzee. He is just as IC, I would say.
The way you did this... completely wonderful. I love it very, very much. Great, great job.

Master of the Hellish Yard
Ender The Time Lady chapter 2 . 4/10/2013
I am shipping this. With all of my ships. Jegus I love this ship.
PatchDolly chapter 2 . 3/29/2013
This was really sweet, Gamzee started out terrifying but turned out oddly endearing.
I can't tell though, is this finished? It doesn't seem finished but it says complete :\
OrionRedde chapter 2 . 1/24/2013

*drowns in moraillegience feels*
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