Reviews for The Auction
StarlightSinger32 chapter 1 . 1/13
So freaking sexy and so well written, this has got to be my favorite Vlad/Danny story of all time!
StarlightSinger32 chapter 15 . 1/7
So incredibly sexy3 I wish there was more, this story was that good! You are an amazing author!
tp184022 chapter 10 . 3/6/2019
This is legit just rape and Stockholm Syndrome. Like, don't get me wrong, great fic, but I just can stomachs things like this. Yeah, it's a less intense of what people actually write about, but I really just liked your fics on normal (somewhat) healthy relationship between the two.
Lizeth T chapter 15 . 2/26/2018
Hola, antes que nada me gustaria decirte que adoro tu historia, es una de mis favoritas, y me gustaria pedirte tu permiso para traducirla al español. ¿?
Eagle Dreamer chapter 15 . 8/30/2017
Interesting. Not really my cup of tea but still interesting. If you want to, could you write a story for what happened with Jonny 13 and kitty. You don't have to. It's just a suggestion.
Dracuvlad chapter 15 . 6/12/2017
Stockholm syndrome much?
Guest chapter 13 . 4/29/2017
herp a derp
La Petite Fille du Sang chapter 15 . 2/17/2017
Guest chapter 5 . 1/31/2017
Well damn...! It's obviously clear Vlad got over Maddie. And that he is very kinky, lmao.
Chameleon chapter 15 . 1/28/2017
I should not have loved and enjoyed that as much as I did... Wonderful work, A! Really loved the character development.
Guest chapter 15 . 11/23/2016
Holy Hades, this story was amazing XD
Guest chapter 13 . 11/23/2016
Guest chapter 12 . 11/23/2016
I have many guilty pleasures. This is one of them XD
Guest chapter 11 . 11/23/2016
Jesus Christ, I can't even rn. This book is so awesome. It's killing me and eudhufdgekfdjdvhwhsnf
DevilPrincessOfDarkWorld chapter 15 . 7/26/2016
A very nice ending. Reminds me of Stockholm Syndrome in a sense but that's just me.
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