Reviews for Deal With It
Guest chapter 12 . 8/5/2011

philip chapter 11 . 1/12/2008
awsoome story. very good
melaniestarwind2 chapter 12 . 5/4/2004
hey hey it's funny and good write more score!
RikaTabithaStarr chapter 1 . 8/16/2003
great story,

android 18 is my fav character in dragon ball too,

this is one of my fav story that hav 18/vegeta as a pairing!

plz write more 18/vegeta or marron/trunks

(they are my fav couple in dragon ball!)
Fire Tennyo chapter 12 . 12/27/2002
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg ur beginning is SO like the ff im working on itz so scary i guess i'll hav 2 start

nice story really sad but the endings a little...happy happy joy joy but itz good!
miraishellie chapter 12 . 10/2/2002
Honestly, I am a fan oof k/18 4 life, but this story was just so well written I had to give it a review. Keep up the good work!
Vegeta chapter 12 . 9/20/2002
O.o That was so.. sad... i loved it, but it was just.. yeah, sad.. .
Super Saiyan Juuhachi chapter 1 . 8/6/2002
I just love EighteenXVegeta Fanfictions where they fall in love..You should write a sequal to this, and make it whre Eighteen and Vegeta are married, and their working on having kids maybe the next story should be a NC-17 that would

Yeah I just love NC-17 stories!

Please at my request, write a sequel to this Fic it was really great, Vegeta finally came out with his emotions

It was so cute I just love it!
Ruben chapter 12 . 8/5/2002
Hi it's me again, the one that requested the 2 more chapters, well anyway I thought the ending was great. I know you probably won't but when you start on another fic could you possibly email me to tell me.
AGalaxiaGoddess chapter 11 . 8/5/2002
That is one malfunction family. It reminds me of soap operas.

I hope the news of Marron killing her own mother will finally be register into her mind. I knew she was going to do that even before I read it, but I was hoping otherwise.

Poor, poor Vegeta. Right when he finally accepts his feeling for her, she's gone. That is just sad.

What can I say, I can't wait to see what happen to Vegeta. Was the emotional pain too much that he just fainted, or there is going to be a miracle happening next?
AGalaxiaGoddess chapter 6 . 8/5/2002
Arg, I forgot to add this little note to the previous review. That is so ooc even for Vegeta. A guy like him wouldn't cry, but they might feel angry towards the culprit that hurt Juuachigou. That's just another suggestion.

Okay, now the review for this chapter. I find the part where Vegeta almost swerves into another lane amusing because of he got distracted. Men. Also, sounds like Juuachigou enjoys playing her part a little too much, eh? Vegy Wegy? My thoughts are exactly on what Vegeta thought too. My gosh, where does she gets her stuff, albeit I'm not complaining, it's hilarious!
Ruben chapter 11 . 8/5/2002
I love this story so pleeeeease make at least 2 more chapters.
Crawford chapter 11 . 8/4/2002
Kat: Goten shot Gohan, 18 and Vegeta, Vegeta works for Goku, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO

Mirai Trunks: Yeah I know, freaky

Kat: BUT, I liked it, so update soony k
AGalaxiaGoddess chapter 5 . 8/4/2002
Try to make your previous chapters like this one. Skip a line for each character like when they are being introduced, talking, and whatnot. This way, it's not all in one or two botched up paragraphs, but each characters have its own line.

This is a great story so far and I love the plot because it's original. It's so simple, I don't know why no one has ever thought about it.

You might want to be careful of which 'were' and 'where' to use. You have a tendency to use the wrong one.

For example, "Vegeta was glad she couldn't see him, because his eyes where watering and he didn't know if he could stop them completely."

The right one should be 'were' and so far most of them should be 'were' and not 'where.' You only use 'where' if you're asking about someone's location, like, "Where are you going?"

Another suggestion is if you either put 'thoughts' when someone is thinking or use italic.

Well, that's all.
supervegeta3 chapter 5 . 8/1/2002