Reviews for The New Recruit
Svelis chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
It is decided, I love your stories... pitty there is no more about KHR, anyway, masterpieces are not that commun, so it is fine! Good job!
Heavychop chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
You really need to get this story beta-ed, grammatical and spelling errors are everywhere! D: Reread the story a few more times helps to spot errors a lot, or else you can also seek help from beta-readers :3 Apart from that, I found quite some words that are not suitable to use (misuse of words in my opinion)... Maybe it's just because my poor language?

Don't the wrong idea, your story is great and I like it and that's why you should really perfect it! I like the way you brought out the story, simple enough to understand yet descriptive enough. But, I think it's somehow lacking a bit of imagination.. There are still gaps for improvement though so don't give up you eventually gain favourites from our readers! Hope to read better stories from you :D
Shaariin13 chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Oh my gosh, this was written well! I've always thought that Bel and Squalo have a very close - if not familial - relationship. I very much like it. I can feel Xanxus' general emotions while reading, and his skepticism towards Bel's worth was bleeding right through my laptop screen! I also like the way you describe things: not too wordy and nitpicky but detailed enough to paint the scene. Good job!
FallenxLinkin chapter 1 . 12/21/2012
It's nice :)) I
I liked it
trashiro chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
Uh, so, this is okay and I like it. :) I think that all of them are pretty much in character though. And it's quite funny at first but when the ending approached, the mood turned serious, but yeah it's nice.