Reviews for Digital Doctor
twilightnite13 chapter 20 . 4/3
I still can't believe you had Aelita regenerate... It's not fare to Jeremie...
Revenant12 chapter 19 . 2/12
My heart hurts, like it's a great ending. But. I feel so hollow. Poor Jeremy
Ahrva chapter 18 . 11/20/2019
but but but... my OTP... JeremiexAelita thou..
DragoonSensei chapter 19 . 3/6/2019
This was awesome!
Shake N. Bake Mormon chapter 15 . 3/5/2019
Re-reading this after having binged the entirety of Code Lyoko, and it's even better now. Definitely one of the best fics on the site! It feels like a Doctor Who adventure, while also serving as a great alternate ending to Code Lyoko that doesn't make the canon characters obsolete (except maybe Ulrich, rip my lad).

Keep up the terrific work!
Shake N. Bake Mormon chapter 19 . 2/12/2019
I don't watch Code Lyoko, but I enjoyed this.
Molto Alesato chapter 19 . 12/15/2018
Wow. I marathoned the entire thing in like 6 hours, amazing fic. It really felt like a Doctor Who episode! As someone who loves CL and admittedly doesn't like Matt Smith, this fic was incredible. Spectacular job!
OldAmsterdam chapter 20 . 2/2/2018
Well, well, well...

That was an interesting trip, to say the least. You know full well that I'm no fan of the Doctor, but damn...

You made me enjoy it. Mixing in Code Lyoko and doing a mighty fine job of it. You've blown me away, as I expected, and I got more invested in this than I had dreamed of. Less than 24 hours later and I've reached the end, and what a bitter-sweet end it was.

My only real complaint are minor errors that still exist occasionally (don't ask me where, because I couldn't point them out now). A minor thing that don't impede the reading.

All in all, each chapter flowed into the next well, with masterful Cliff-hangers.

Needless to say, well done ProPro.
Earthenfist chapter 19 . 1/16/2018
Oooh, mah heart. Ooooh. Poor Jeremy!

But beautifully finished out. For a moment there, I thought you were going to pull time travel shenanigans and have Aelita turn out to be Ms. Hertz, where Aelita was taken back in time to live out her life.
J flood chapter 1 . 1/6/2018
just read your story loved it but i would have keep aelita Young so she could stay with Jeremy.
cajw94 chapter 5 . 8/21/2017
Not all towers are white and one each sector out out of four in lyoko they run surface sector programs four deastert ice moutain fourest with eception of tower in sector five or those that replicas or ones crontrol france hopper nomaly their ones are whight run programs for ice destert mountain forest sectors
Leytradvorstrelundar chapter 20 . 8/29/2016
Holy shit. This was singularly the best fanfiction I have ever read. And I have read a LOT of fanfictions.
Soul Jelly chapter 4 . 8/16/2015
Reviewing to this point and saving to my favourites to finish at a later date, but just wanted to express my enjoyment of the fic so far! Taking the RTTP as the link between these two very different universes makes perfect sense, and the Doctor's inclusion in Kadic Academy is executed so seamlessly that the reader simply goes along with the story, no questions asked. The dialogue is all in character, completely spot on, and I loved the Doctor's first lesson as a substitute teacher. I love his interactions with the Kadic students, particularly Milly at the end of this chapter. Also, Rory as a janitor, haha.

(Side note - my brain keeps skipping between imagining the Doctor et al in the animated Code Lyoko style, and the Lyoko Warriors as live-action characters. The latter would make more sense, given Code Lyoko Evolution, but both are fun to imagine.)
Money Funk chapter 19 . 8/7/2015
MY EYES! Why did I decide to read and watch so much?! MY EYES ARE ON FIRE. But anyway, absolutely brilliant story.
Money Funk chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
The Eleventh Doctor's look changes quite a bit throughout the show, could I be referred to a picture or an episode, or something?
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