Reviews for Strangers in a Cell
SunBinamra chapter 3 . 3/27/2018
I read this before your epic, novel-worthy version and I'm amazed at how you managed to write the same story in drastically different formats. I love them both equally, which is strange because shouldn't the shorter version be more lacking? I don't know, apparently you can produce miracles. Keep up the good work, my fried!
IchiRuki 4vr chapter 3 . 2/14/2017
I wasn't expecting this ending but its still very satisfying... for some reason I thought ichigo might be a goner against byakuya.
The battle scene was very realistic. Great job :)
IchiRuki 4vr chapter 2 . 2/14/2017
If byakuya leans the truth, he'll have a heart attack! lolol he and rukia are polar opposite here!
Eh ichigo's atleast having a good time
IchiRuki 4vr chapter 1 . 2/14/2017
I thought it was a modern AU but still this medieval era one is interesting too.
MindlessAbandon chapter 3 . 9/8/2016
Truly love this story. I read it again and still love it. The ending is surprising and amazing. I just love the way you wrote the characters. Thank you so much!
IarIz chapter 3 . 9/5/2016
i find my self looking for IR story and i found you again xD... i know this is you old fic and its lacking compare to your newer works. but i need to praise you for this. cause i manage to read all this in one sit. that just how intresting yout fic s. incharacter. story idea. and wrap it up.
Cavisze chapter 1 . 6/28/2016
Quirky (in the most positive of ways). A fun and interesting read. It felt like a more fresh and original fanfic, especially for an AU.
jin chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
I loved it! :D
BlessMyHart chapter 3 . 12/12/2015
I ENJOYED EVERY WORD OF THIS! So well written :D fantastic job! My favorite part would have to be Byakuya. He really added dimension to this piece :)
Makkin chapter 2 . 10/12/2015
Your writing is amazing, very well done. I like how long the chapters are.
Makkin chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
Loved :)
Nfs711 chapter 3 . 9/30/2014
Good idea, good story, good storyline...damn every single thing in this story is good. And I say I'm very picky about stories. Well about other ones I guess I'm picky but I really am hopeless against a good ichiruki
TheSecretSeason chapter 3 . 8/5/2014
I should have been sleeping hours ago, but this story was so good I just needed to read the rest! I loved how in character they were have how it was a perfect ending:)
Dyoudo chapter 3 . 1/6/2014
Beautiful story with a satisfying ending. Unbelievably well-written, especially after reading so many stories that forego details that most don't think are important. It's actually quite refreshing. I just finished catching up to your other story Long Way Home (which I'll be reviewing after this), and this story definitely sated that impatient part of me that's anxious for Ichigo and Rukia to finally see each other in a romantic light.

I honestly couldn't see anything coming in this story, especially their second save from execution. I could not get a good read on Byakuya for the life of me. Ichigo and Rukia's portrayals were spot on, though, and I could only wish that Rukia was that forward in the show.

Once again, amazingly written. Definitively going to check out your other stories.
mikethepokemaster chapter 3 . 11/26/2013
I like thi story but the whole thing about nobles not marring peasents things to me was kind of silly. Didn't Biyakuya i know i spelled this name wrong, Marry a peasent Rukia sister but whatever it your story so i can't say much.
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