Reviews for Why not
Abby chapter 18 . 8/27/2016
I'm not sure if you chose the gender... But, if it isn't too late, I would like to say a girl.
I want to see more of Matthew, Alfred, Ravis and those who care about Arthur! Just... Not Arthur's boss, can we not see him much. Please? I really don't like how he is treating Arthur and Francis... Also, can I fully admit that I agree with Donnovan about abortion, I am completely against it myself.
Don't hate me please! It is my opinion!
sweet jolly fucken ranchers chapter 18 . 7/26/2016
I'm soooooo happy you updated ! And to answer some of your questions I think the gender should be a girl
And how I want to see more of will I guess some more time with just england and France would be nice
Guest chapter 18 . 7/20/2016
Yay a new chapter! Amazing as always :) I really hope you do update soon, this fic is my life.
Guest chapter 17 . 6/25/2016
Nononononononononoo. NO. Please bring us back the fluff. TT Little Raivis too.
"I'm gonna finish this story whether it kills me or not!" You promised! Please come back!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/25/2016
I can't find it? D:
Guest chapter 14 . 6/25/2016
Uhhhm, just poppig by to tell you that S. Korea's human name is "Yong Soo" or "Yong-Soo" (with or without hyphen). It's supposed to be in two syllbles, and "Im" is the surname.

(Really enjoying this btw! Its humourous and fluffy, with a slight dose if angst xD. Little Raivis is just too cute. ;-; Very fluffy!)
Lunarnova chapter 17 . 2/22/2016
PLEASE FINISH THIS STORY your writing has been developing through this and I can see it! You can do it!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/8/2016
You have to continue this story! Please, I'm in love with it! I really love your story, I so amazing and I want you to continue it please! For god's sake!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/31/2016
I just got into reading MPreg stories of FrUk because I thought it was fun to read about the two soon to be parents were going to be like and after reading some over the past year along with other fanfic, I thought your story was very intriguing and a new perspective to the story of FrUk and I love your writing style, it matches a great story line but one thing I am kinda disappointed at, is that you seem to no longer have insperation to write the following chapters to this story and I wish for you to find your muse again and continue to write. When ever you update I'll be back to read for now I will be save this story to my " To Read" list.
Yandere Kirkland chan chapter 17 . 11/15/2015
You have to update this! This is my absolute favourite mpreg and actually fanfic altogether. I have read ALOT of fanfics and this is the first one I'm actually going to properly follow. Pls update soon! You said you'd finish this!
HetalianWitch chapter 17 . 11/1/2015
I found a new favorite fanfiction. I'm literally crying right now because it's so good and you haven't updated in a year. ;-; What happened? I hope you don't mind me asking. Anyway~ I think the apology is going to be really feelsy, to be honest. But how will Arthur live without his tea!? If he survives, I don't know what the fuck kind of magic is going on.

And I saw your Harry Potter reference! I know it was a few chapters ago, but I love Harry Potter way too much to let that pass. XD "Draco dormeins nunquam titillandus", right? (I think I spelled that correctly...)

Please update soon! It's an amazing story and I love it! 3
sweet jolly fucken ranchers chapter 16 . 7/5/2015
I love the lvan and Yao ship
sweet jolly fucken ranchers chapter 17 . 6/28/2015
Mmmmmmooooooorrrreeeee !...please ?
I love this story ! I love fruk and I love fruk gay baby's
aloistrancy8 chapter 17 . 6/9/2015
Love this story! Donovan will (hopefully!) stay to babysit the child; Alfred will make and ass out of himself and be ungracious when Arthur tries to apologize; Arthur will end up eating a lot of chocolate and ice cream to replace tea; And Francis will start to flunk classes because he's not paying attention. Please update!
Guest chapter 17 . 4/26/2015
UPDATE! I need more!
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