Reviews for Defending Mirkwood
AraneltheSilvan chapter 2 . 4/24/2019
AraneltheSilvan chapter 2 . 7/11/2018
Love this please continue the story.
Esther chapter 2 . 5/4/2018
You should continue this story.
Starlight and Moonlight chapter 1 . 3/8/2018
This is a good fic, but I feel like you're making Thranduil WAY too harsh on Legolas.
TheBlackShadow1210 chapter 2 . 9/30/2017
This is a good story, I liked it, although I think it would be better if Elrond and Thonor showed to Thranduil Legolas' injuries, and I feel like something's missing here. But the idea of the story and the way it is written is really good. I like it
AndurilofTolkien chapter 2 . 4/4/2017
earthdragon chapter 2 . 6/29/2016
Very good story. I don't understand the reason for the secrecy about Legolas' injuries though. If Elrond and Thonor were so angry about Thranduil's treatment of his son, then why didn't they show him the state that Legolas was in. That would have guilted Thranduil into realising how unreasonable he was behaving towards his son.
Horsegirl01 chapter 2 . 12/9/2015
I loved this story... it is one of my favorites... :) Is this supposed to be set in a slightly different world from your other stories? I assume Legolas doesn't have a mother in this one, since surely she would not allow Thranduil to treat Legolas like this, and there was no mention of Legolas' siblings. I enjoy these kinds of plotlines.
alkdfsjis chapter 2 . 7/11/2015
Loved it!

Keep it up!
I am the Color of Boom chapter 2 . 5/24/2015
Awww. Loved this chapter. Legolas and Elrond's conversation was so enjoyable. You have a way with dialogue, it feels very natural. Andd... Ergggggggg. The Legolas and Thonor. So much chemistry. What a wonderful friendship you wrote. Must resist the urge to ship. Haha. Sorry. And the ending, it was subtle but there, showing the network of support Legolas had and the changing tide. Really enjoyed this. Your writing flows very nicely, and the character interactions are great to read. Thank you! :))
I am the Color of Boom chapter 1 . 5/24/2015
Ohhhhh. I like this a lot. This is my first Lord of the Rings FF, and I'm not disappointed so far. :) Legolas and Thranduil are such a touchy subject, very interesting to read. And Thonor's concern for Legolas was really nicely done, very sweet moment there. They'd make quite the couple... or maybe I've got too much slash on the brain. *shrugs* Either way, love their relationship. Oh, and the description of the horses when they were getting ready to leave again, great addition. Loved it. Really enjoyed this chapter.
Penny Pulp chapter 2 . 2/5/2015
That was a beautifully written story like all of your stories are. You sure know how to build up tension, especially between characters and you know how to write angst. My heart was breaking and suffering for poor Legolas. But for me it feels like the story isn't finished, like there is one chapter missing to bring the story to a conclusion. Of course being the sucker for happy endings that I am in my mind in the none existing final chapter Thranduil is realising what he is doing. But luckily there is a kind of final chapter for that I can use to put my suffering heart to rest- a very very long final chapter called "Coldness" ;) So I have shamelessly decided that in my mind this story takes part in the universe of "Hope of Mirkwood" (knowing very well that it does not), set before the events of "Coldness". And so to steal the happy end I need I will just read "Coldness", chapter 11 to 13 again ;). Recommendation for everyone who hasn't read "Coldness" (by HelloDenmark of course): DO NOT read just these chapters, read the whole thing for you won't understand them as a standalone! And because it is an amazing story!)
Stormcutter684 chapter 2 . 1/25/2015
Hmmmm. Well, a very good story. I only wish there was more. Cuz Thranduil is still pushing Legolas and eventually he might push Legolas to the brink of collapsing again.
Awesome story! A bit of an abrupt ending, but I liked it! :)
pinksugarrush chapter 2 . 1/18/2015
I absolutely love this story! Thranduil how can you be so cruel to your Legolas? And claiming that he's selfish and unworthy? Oh, Thranduil.

I thought it was so brave for Legolas to take Thonor's hit when he angered Thranduil and it was so sweet how happy Legolas was when Thranduil allowed his men some rest even though he himself couldn't get any rest.

Legolas even fainted! Gah. I'm glad that Elrond was here to help Legolas heal, though.

I was kind of hoping that there would be a confrontation between Thranduil and Legolas where Thranduil finally realizes what he was doing to his son and apologizes and what not. Oh, well.

I enjoyed this story all the same, though. Keep up the amazing work!
EnelyaOfMirkwood chapter 2 . 11/8/2014
Wow! Amazing work! This story is one of a kind!
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