Reviews for Dave's Kink
EmotionalDreamer101 chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
That was cute and sweet! I love this :'D
xCaellachx chapter 1 . 9/26/2014
I shouldn't be surprised by liking this, but I am. Neither the couple nor the kink are my thing, but the way you write still draws the reader in. Great job!
PawprintMusings chapter 1 . 3/28/2013
Oh man this is just too frickin awesome! Sebastian and Dave, who knew what a great pair they'd make?! I bet Seb really does need someone to just MAKE him take it, and he'd have the mouth to really get Dave to open up and be comfy with his sexy self. Thanks so much for sharing this awesome story! Would love to see more of this pairin now that I know how awesome they are!
Ai Linna-chan chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
oh yeah. that was so lovely and kink, of course ksks But the tenderness in it is undeniable! I luv this ship and dream of it ever becoming canon, while at it I totally believe this could happen too: "But after his attempt, Sebastian had reached out to him to both apologize and explain. They became tentative friends, getting coffee at the Lima Bean and drinks at Scandals. And then one night, Sebastian had kissed him." And would love to see a fanfic like that, just saying ksksk. cause, they could work so well together! You said it: "Sebastian hadn't ever been a cuddler, but something about the way Dave's solid chest and amazing arms felt when they were wrapped up together, made Sebastian want to cuddle all the time." See? Bas bringing confidence to Dave and Dave bringing Bas softer side.
oh and the way the story goes, I know its smutty, but also shows so much about the characters! how Dave is still working his insecurities and is worried with pushing to hard after the kiss with Kurt. And Bas being a dirty talker, cause he totally would be that ksksks o/o and how honest he is, saying how he feels at looking and being touched by Dave. Just... oh. theres not much work with this ship out there, but Im glad someone got then well in such few words and little sweet scene. Im not inclined to bottom!Dave (but very into powerbottom!Sebastian ksks)but you totally sold it to me! I like new things so its nice to be open now to this.

That said, I cant avoid to make a request. Im participating in a Secret Santa with fanfics and Im wondering if you would let me translate it as a gift to my friend. I still dont know if Im friend is fan of nc-17 fanfics, but i would translate for myself then (specially cause theres only ONE sebofsky in here in my language AND its MINE ). All credits gonna be yours and all reviews I will translate back to you by pm and I will post here in and the forum the Secret Santa is happening. I would love and apreciated it if you allowed me this. Thank you anyway.
Ireland22 chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
This is the first time I've ever read a Sebastian/Dave fic... and I have to say you made me love them
xSlythStratasfaction chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Welp. That was one of the hottest things I've ever read. I mean, the whole Sebofsky of it all super hot. Plus you write so well, especially your smut! Also by the end, I teared up when Dave blurted out that he loved Sebastian and Seb said it back. Such a cute moment.

Anyway, this was a great story! Awesome job!
tatrawrzilla chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Super hot great story of love seb n dave
ItsTotallyAwesome chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
This was perfect and amazing and I really, really loved it! There isn't enough of this pairing in the fandom.

I love how you got the perfect balance between fluff and pure smut. I seriously can't put into words how amazing this was!

Okay, I'll stop being creepy now, I just really wanted to let you know that I loved it :)